I have a huge amount of Honey Locust I can cut. They grow like weeds around here. Problematic trees though. Heavy as hell, thorns as big and sharp as a switchblade and for some reason poison ivy loves to grow on them. Dumped a small one this morning and it was all my old ferd wanted and my back as well. Didn't get bloody to bad from thorns and aind scratching from poison ivy yet.
Nice load sir. Common landscape tree around here and have only seen a couple with those vicious thorns. Hoping the PI doesn't get you. Seems to like the cherry and dead ash around these parts.
We have a lot of the HL here in our woods. The thorns can be nasty but I've gotten used to them and run the saw up the trunk right after felling to knock them off. I try to always fell them away from the trails but it isn't always possible. Extra tractor tire inner tubes are always in my shop... Great firewood but it takes a while to dry. I split small so it dries a little quicker when I'm needing it sooner but I'm working to get back on the 3 year plan.
Good stuff!! I manage to scrounge quite a bit of HL here in Colorado. Mostly in the Denver area. I find the thorny kind and the smooth kind. I’ll take them both.