Hi everyone it’s been a few months since I’ve posted. I grabbed some nice rounds this morning on a transfer station run. Red maple with some pieces of some solid ash(2 nice pieces of ash). I think this might be the easiest, biggest transfer station scrounge for me.
Sweet! Get all you can from that transfer station. I used to get quite a bit from my local one., but things changed and said that I couldn’t “scavenge” anymore. Liability I’m sure. I was just there today for something and spotted some silver maple logs. I asked the guy if it would be possible to grab it and he said no. Oh well
The one in Wallingford goes on cold weather time open three days a week and shuts down mid Jan to mid March. North Haven (where I live) is open year round but only mornings. I can scrounge at both.
More wood today. Some more maple and some split wood, much of the split stuff was punky but I pulled some good stuff out. I was a thoughtful hoarder and left some big elm rounds for the next guy.
Good grab. Nice when you can cherry pick...or in this case red maple pick! Hows the wood supply in Granby? Lots around after that storm?
Went back to the transfer station this morning. There was a guy with a landscaping trailer unloading wood. I backed in next to him. The wood was maple, similar to the two scrounges above, I asked him if he had been leaving wood here and he said yes. I helped him unload his trailer. The load was limb wood, crotches, and branches. I took the limb wood. We talked, we have some common acquaintances. He told me he will be cutting more trees down and will make the wood available in his yard, about 2.5 miles from my house. He told me I can back my truck right into his yard. I will go a half mile out of my way from work to see when more wood is available. Today’s scrounge is sugar and red maple. He, as well as others around here call red maple swamp maple.
Some nice rounds. Yup, timing is everything. Nice that you picked up a good connection. I made a dump run this morning with some scrap PT from the job and some old pallets. Guy in an old PU pulls in with a good load of brush. There was some cherry mixed in which i scoffed up. Later when I delivered a half cord this afternoon the guy asks me if he sees any fresh cut wood roadside if he should call me. We all know what my answer was!
Its all you Thom. My scrounges there are small, but its nice I have both North Haven and Wallingford at my disposal. As I've said in the past if I was retired I'd haunt them all the time for wood.