We just got a big Bradford pear while doing storm clean up. We've never processed any before. How does it split? Season? Heat? Thanks for any help.
Splits really weird. Very brittle. Try to split on center for equal sized. Id uses your smaller splitter. Blue Samson may make a mess of it. I haven't processed a lot of it, but the little I have its unlike most other woods. No stringiness IME. Pics from August of BP splits. Let us know how it goes. A round that was many months old that I hand split.
I generally categorize it as a one year wood to dry once CSS. YMMV Since you have a market for smoking wood it may sell as such. What little I get is now put aside to sell as smoker wood.
X2 brittle, like splitting a toilet bowl would be I burned the stuff I got after 2 years and it was thoroughly dry. Overall burn quality was middle of the road I’d say.
I was about to say this as well. It's phenomenal as a smoking wood. As stinky as the bastards are in the spring, that wood has a very nice fruit wood aroma. Somewhere between Apple and Cherry wood fragrance. Dries really quick too.
What i've had I've liked... But when it pops it has a unique "crack" to it... as far splits haven't burnt any. I'll burn some this year, though... but what I've read as buZZsaw BRAD said, middle of the road in burning qualities...
Jeff does yours have any sapsucker damage? They seem to love fruit woods and my last score of BP had lots of it.
Good to know. I have read on BBQ forums not to use it because it had a bitter taste. Never tried it personally.
What y’all said already . We burn it, season’s quickly more of a shoulder season or starting the stove type wood. Have smoked with it and it’s a mild smoke. If none of that blows your skirt up then it’s great campfire wood
As for as smoker wood, hardly anyone does that around here now. I just put some 2yr old pecan logs on the burn pile......and turned down quite a few trees from the storm
Are you sure your part of GA hasn’t been taken over by Yankees? We used to eat great smoked pork and hash when we lived in Macon. All over GA for that matter when I traveled the state!
Brittle describes its entire existence. Just did a removal of a section that broke off one and was leaning on a building last week. Second section to come out of that tree. I figure I’ll be there within the year for the rest of the removal. Owner said it was sentimental, and didn’t want to give up yet. I get it
Yeah i notice of we get a good windstorm or wet snow/ice they seem to suffer the wrath. My tiny scrounges of BP are like that or finds at the dump.
Well, brother, I sure wish a lot of my hoarder friends that like pecan, could come down here. This is just 1 pecan orchard in south GA...349K views · 891 reactions | Pecan orchard in Uvalda. Charlie Robison’s the same | By Bett | Facebook
I like Bradford Pear. I think it splits nice, what you get is clean looking and burns really good. I also think it would make good looking furniture going by the color.