So, my boys and I have decided that carrying our wood into the basement is too hard. Makes us sweat and feel dumb. So, now we just throw it down from our basement door all the way to the basement floor. (Sheesh, does this Red Elm make a mess.) It's actually not that deep, our basement. As I stand and look out the basement door, ground level is only at my chest, so not much more than 4 feet. How do you guys and gals get your wood into your "winter location?"
Is there a straight shot to the basement? Could you put a sheet of steel siding to use as a slide so it doesn't hit bottom so hard and blow stuff off the wood and would keep the mess centralized?
Slid wood into the basement growing up. We used a couple 2 inch boards to cover the steps and protect them. Worked great and the wood didn’t slide really fast.
I delivered some wood to a guy once who wanted it in his basement. I thought aww chit... He said naw this is easy. Had a piece of that green plastic sewer pipe he had cut in half. Stuck it through a basement window and we just chucked down the slide. Then he and kids stacked where they wanted. It was right nice...
I think Gasifier (? maybe that was a doggie door) has a window he uses in his basement, Warner (?) took a slide off a kids swingset to go through a basement window. There used to be a guy from Alaska here, he had circle hole in his house to put wood through. Stinny built a lift that goes down through the old coal delivery doors.
Wonder if you could fashion a "slide" out of cardboard, maybe even protection for the walls? Fold it up when not in use?
I have a coal chute access door to the wood room. I'll throw wood into the wood room and then stack it before another load goes in. As it fills up, I use a cart to move wood from the walk out basement doors to the wood room. This "tops off" the wood room. I can fit right around 6 full cord in it. Door looks similar to this one. It is a true 8' floor to ceiling and the wood room it 12 X 8. I also have kindling which is stored in the room
I believe Warner uses an old slide from a kids playscape. I recall years back the chore of schlepping armfuls of firewood into dad's basement. An almost daily thing. The steps were made too big and as a kid they were huge. Kinda fond memories actually. Years later when I had moved out dad would dump wood into the hatchway as we called it, then open the door from inside to load. EDIT. see post #8
Toss down the back stairs to basement . fill the whole thing up to sill. then go around and open inside door and stack it. due med problems i am woefully behind. additionally I have a bilco door system that I fill the same way. Filling each results in about 2 cord when stacked tight.
Bogydave had a sweet set up , I looked back and couldn’t find it. If I had access to a huge core bore drill I’d do it. While I was looking for it I saw some posts from @chrisf haven’t seen any posts from him in a while…