Splitter was running rough yesterday so I took the bowl off the carb and cleaned some cutd out of it. Started up sounded good but it was late so I just cycled it a couple of times. I pulled and cleaned the air filter then called it a day. This morning I reinstalled the air filter and as I did I saw a small spider run down into the carb. I never found. But now it won't start. Any suggestions on next step
I'd maybe pull that bowl off again, check for any more gunk, and then let the tank drain out...then put some fresh fuel in, start with that and see what happens...
My neighbor is a small engine repair guy he said there's a sensor if the oil is low it want start. I checked the oil it was low. I moved splitter to level ground and topped off oil. The carb bowl was leaking I had to remove and reattach. It took quite a few pulls but it started. Runs better also.
Ah, yeah if this is a newer machine many of them have that low oil sensor...which are notoriously unreliable...many people just unplug them and leave them unplugged because of the reliability issues. But if you tend to not check the oil much, then better leave it.
Personally....I would pull the whole carb and clean everything. If you have a spider running around in there then some web or something might've found its way to a jet. That's of course after you check the easy stuff.