Well our old dodge that we bought new in 2001 had a mouse in the dash which caused a fire.(there are several loaded truck pictures on here of this truck.the truck wasn’t worth fixing so I cut it in half cut bent and welded frame rails to accept a trailer coupler I bought on Amazon.i had some wireing,chain,chain hooks in my hoard.i added an old truck toolbox I had laying in the woods to carry tools saws etc.next i cut a piece of diamond plate to span the v before coupler.torched a hole through it big enough for a piece of all thread and mounted a spare tire.Pennsylvania requires an enhanced inspection when building a trailer or vehicle . So I got that done and took a load of spruce to the mountain for campfire wood.broght the saws with me and brought a smallish load of mostly black birch home with me.these small trees had been taken down I summer.the spruce when stacked measured 47 cubic feet.the black birch less than a face cord.looking forward to trying that birch next year.i have never had any before but heard good things.hopeful first and second loads of many to come!
When I was a young pup, my dad had a trailer like that. You should get many years of service from it.
Great repurpose there. Looks pretty solid. Part of it lives on. Black birch is under rated as a firewood IMO. Great btu's and dries in a year.
My dad had one as well. I don't recall ever seeing him use it and can't remember what brand of bed it was but I still have a scar on my head from a cut recieved trying to fetch a cat for mom out from under it.
Thats a tough one. I'd take the SBH first even though the BB dries faster. I have a half cord of hickory sold to a regular to be delivered next week. 2+ years dried. BB goes to my stove customers. I will mix BB in with bundle wood too. Give it time, a score of it will come for you. Don't expect it to be huge logs either.
I have seen a lot of those pickup box/trailer conversions about lately. Most of them hauling firewood. They make a very functional rig. Nice job. I'm sure it will serve you well for many years!
Pickup box trailers are quite common in Nebraska, especially for firewood hauling. There’s one at work that I use often and has been pictured here multiple times. It looks like you made the frame in front of the box longer than the ones I usually see. And that looks like a good thing.
Mebbe when my F150 dies ill repurpose the bed as a trailer. May need to spring for a new tailgate though!