He's a DISTANT second! Maybe 100 more cords and he'll be a close second. Kinda wish mine looked like that again!
That's a winning ticket right there, working smarter not harder and your half the battle is won beings your able to drive your vehicle up to the spitting/stacking area. That makes a big difference! Shoot if I could drive my truck & trailer around back loaded up that would save me a crap load of work............
Man, I look at ya’lls systems, tools and wood yards and realize my little “rooty poot “ operation pales in comparison! It’s like,” they are in no way interested in my little low rent three chord scrounge when they’re moving three chords a week”. lol. Hoard on!
Its not all about the volumes of wood it's the camaraderie we share in anything firewood related among others with the same "crazy" addiction. I love seeing other hoarders wood areas and wish some would post more pics. I store 20-25 cords on a postage stamp. Not easy but it gets done. I envy others with lots of room and maybe its a good thing I don't have more!
Moved my dry wood into the screened in porch and moved some onto the front porch to free up room to stack this wood usually i stack right in front of last year’s wood but too much red oak in this pile live red oak needs to be stacked in the back and sit for at minimum of 2 years in my experience
Got two rows going gonna continue to stack to the right burn whats to the left and immediately restack with they way i been goin lately