This is a rather drawn out post about an incident that happened yesterday at my score that i'd like to share. Right Around the Corner I had procured the score first by asking the tree service working there about the wood. Homeowner didn't want it and they were taking it to dispose of so it was waste to them. Their boom truck coming the next week to remove the logs. I had the company's number and the guys name I spoke with. Later that day I stopped to get the okay with the homeowner to park and cut on their property. Retirement aged folks I'd say in their late 60's. Knocked and the lady answered. I always stand way back in the yard to be non threatening. She recognized my truck as the guy who had cut some wood across the street back in 2022 to which I laughed. I live right around the corner so I go by there very often too. She gets her husband, he comes out and I shake his hand introducing myself. We walked out to the log pile. Initially he had wanted some of the wood, but then changed his mind. (I may have offered to cut some for him, but don't recall) Told him i'd be there Friday to cut a load. I then sealed the deal with a handshake, thanked him then asked if there was anything else I could do for him. Just clean up any mess I made was his only request. buzz-saw and I met up yesterday morning to cut, split and load. Nearing the end the lady comes out and approaches me to ask a favor. I'm thinking she needed our help with something or had a question. I have a proposal for you she states. I want you to give me $100 for the wood and I'll write a check to the charity of your choice! WHAT!!! I was shocked and responded no as that wasn't part of our agreement and I don't pay money for wood. "well its our wood and your getting it for free", "You're the town beggar" I was really taken back by her second comment. I replied its not free as we worked very hard for it. I then offered to dump the wood we had cut in her driveway if they wanted it so bad to which she declined. She went on for a bit and I held my cool even though I felt my blood pressure going up. Disgusted she walks away calling me "heartless". At some point she threatened to call the police. buzz-saw was right there hearing the whole thing and if I'm missing/misstating something chime in please buddy. Somewhat shell shocked we cleaned up and left. I don't consider myself a 'beggar" or "heartless"! I don't beg for anything. Had she asked for $20 I probably would've given it to her. Just a matter of principle here. I'm a man of my word and have sealed deals with a hand shake for years. Your thoughts FHC? Just kinda venting I guess.
NO NO NO NO NO DEFINITELY NOT. You had a deal, plain and simple. Changing the terms of the agreement after the fact doesn't fly. If the couple (or one of them...) wanted money in exchange for the wood, that should've been presented upfront. That's a bizarre arrangement too. Money for charity? It's not charity if you're being brow beaten to do it against your will. That's extortion.
She got the idea and thought it was a good deal. Just think of what her husband has to deal with every day. I wonder if he always goes along with her whims. Keep an eye open for political banners she might post on her car or yard. That would be very telling of her thinking. Maybe she should consider donating the money she saved by you cleaning up her mess! That ought to be worth more than $100
I would have lost it at the beggar part. That's a drop the wood off in the worst place while screaming at them scenario. I could have possibly had a medical emergency and broken out in handcuffs.
That's something there..... just remember she's not the normal. Well, hopefully. I fear people like her are becoming more prevalent. Not sure I'd trust her to donate it to charity. Seems fishy and weird.
Well buddy, what you got there pretty much sums it up. She was all good up to the point. She didn’t get to answer that she wanted. That’s when her whole personality changed. This woman turned into what I would call the perfect Karen even though I’m not a fan of that term. And did a complete 180 You did very well at staying calm and kept your end of the deal by cleaning up when you were done. We could’ve easily thrown the stuff in the truck and drove away. Thanks again for the fun to help and all your hard work. Always an adventure. Maybe it was the bark box on your 400? You might want to change this thread title to “The BARK-BOX and the sleeping bear”. and yes, her poor husband.
buZZsaw BRAD I tip my hat to you by handling it the way you did. If it were me, she wouldn't be calling me the town "begger", I would be now known as "that guy who went ape $hit and took out all the logs out of his truck and threw them all over my yard." You should of said your favorite charity is FHC! Though I may of called her bluff and said, go get your check book and an envelope, told her to write a check to a local church or charity and then said, let's go together to give it to them in person.
I'd send the husband a hundred dollar bottle of booze and a note saying that "I'm so sorry you have to live with that ............." Every time they see you he'd chuckle a lil. Dat would pizz her off.
Sounds like you did everything just right Brad. Me personally, I probably would have unloaded somewhere inconvenient after telling her how ungrateful and dishonest she was being after a handshake agreement.
Stay on the high road. While it sucks it turned out as it did, you handled it well. This certainly wouldn’t be appreciated if It happened to me, but bottom line is it’s their wood on their property and they can make any kind of demands they want. Would be interesting to keep an eye on it and see what happens to the wood. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have a friend who’s momma called the police on him for leaving a junk rv in her view for too long she also flipped off her family after Sunday service. My belief is there are some elderly and non elderly folks that sit around bored and miserable and spreading their misery is what they do for entertainment. Sorry she put a damper on your joy. That was a nice pile of logs.
I also agree that taking the “high road” was the right approach! In addition I would bet that if she had later called to have the tree service come back to get the logs after they left the job they would’ve asked for more than $100 to return
As of 1/2 an hour ago its still there. Thanks, gang. I will say it was an experience. As good as he is with an Isocore he is even better at public relations. I think the right thing was done and cleaned up like her husband asked. For what it was I honestly think it was handled very well. I know for sure that BRAD does everything in his power to get permission and not just cut without going through the proper channels and this is no different. I can't wait for the next adventure!
You 2 guys did well there, but I'm sure it left a bad taste in your mouth, like "what just happened, we got bushwhacked" type feeling. Try and forget about it, people like that everywhere.