Very lightly used 2019 ms880. Setup for ripping with three brand new chains (36 inch setup) Including the granberg mill, extra bar shown , granberg aluminum rails. I bought a mill, so this just sits. $1,800 takes it all.
Nice , I have a 661 I used on my Granberg. Works great but it is definitely " work". That is a great set-up for someone who wants to get started.
The saw is like brand new, the aluminum rails have been used half a dozen times, but stored inside. I bought a band saw mill, so it just isn’t being used. I would never post it here without disclosing issues.
I appreciate it, just doing my due diligence. I just bought a 500i and have been looking at a granberg mill for it. I'm sure this would be a much better setup before jumping into an actual sawmill.
Let me know. It’s all setup with a ripping chain, with two extra chains brand new in the box. I played some with my 461 on it, but it was too slow. I likely will throw it into a local auction in a few weeks. Thank you
I'm located in KS so driving over and looking at the setup would probably cost half the price of the saw. 1) If we can work out a deal, using ballpark figures I'm looking at over $200 in shipping. It would really help to know the dimensions of the rails and everything broken down to ship, and if you have a ups drop off location nearby that would be fantastic. I can pay for shipping on my end so you're not out any cash. 2) Would venmo work for payment? I don't like the platform but I have had to start using it for other purchases and already have an account setup. 3) Would you have a problem taking this into your local saw shop and having them look it over . Just trying to find a workaround if I'm not able to lay hands on the saw myself. If this is becoming too much of a pain let me know, I'm not trying cause issues. That's just a sizeable amount of money to drop on something I can't physically put my hands on. Also, open to other suggestions if you have any Thanks
Putting in my 2 cents here. I have bought many things from the members here, sight unseen. Some silly priced things including saws. Never once have I been disappointed in any way. It means a lot more for people to risk a reputation here, gained over years with thousands of messages than it would be a craigslist stranger. In my opinion I'd recommend private messaging phone numbers and talk the old fashioned way. Going to a saw shop sounds good until you realize that it's got very little actual value. What are you going to do leave a bad review from across the country because someone bribed them? Also I don't know this seller in any way other than general public posts. It's just because of the way I've been treated here.
I agree. Phone call , maybe some detailed pictures in needed. Go old school. I honestly think that being concerned about getting the short end of the stick would not be an issue.
I have had guys that were on forums go off the deepend or their accounts get accessed by other people. I work in an industry where this stuff happens all the time.
I'm just saying why wouldn't you pm the seller and get his contact info instead of hashing it out here...
If something were to happen in either end of a transaction, having it even roughly laid out in public will help keep honest people honest. There would be less chance of someone receiving payment and having something get "lost" or have payments canceled after shipment. There would be more accountability and everything wouldn't be my word against his or vis versa. I've watched it happen in other forums.
Agree with what’s been said. Dickering and details are best hashed out via pm or phone call. Not in the open forum. Moderating clean up in isle 7 stat!
Always tough when you can't physically inspect what you are purchasing. If I were buying, I would be cautious...Agree with most, DM each other, get a phone number and work it out!
I'm not trying to tell you how to spend your hard earned money. Just relating my experiences with this forum.
I sincerely appreciate it, the whole reason I'm here is to learn and exchange ideas/experiences. I appreciate everyone's input and sharing past experiences, much better to learn that way than the school of hard knocks. Been there, done that, I have the t- shirt and the hat.