Here are the coordinates. (12.3456789, -86.7530999) He catches on quick when it’s deer season. Good luck.
Ohio has three full mount deer; a buck, a doe and a fawn that he poses artistically and photographs them. We see them again and again, especially the buck. They must be stored near the driveway in that one spot that is always the background. It would be nice to see the mounts with some different backdrops but I totally understand how much work it would be to move the mounts around!
Haven't seen much lately; came across some older bear and moose scat and a few piles of fresh deer droppings. Only critters on the camera lately have been a raccoon, fisher cats, foxes, and one sad looking yote. Bear season starts Sunday so hopefully things will start looking up.
I took a couple pictures (but no, I won't load these on the internet) of 2 bucks sparring a week ago. They were about 15-20 yards from the house. Really early for this but I've seen it once before.