Yesterday my wife asked if I could take "one day off" from firewood hoarding to help her with some stuff in the house. I agreed (reluctantly). I woke up early this morning and tried not to even look at any trees to avoid temptation. But I got distracted when a big wild turkey ran through my yard like a maniac, and I accidentally noticed dead branches poking out from the forest. Wife was still asleep so I put on yesterday's dirty work clothes and snuck out there with a Makita 36v battery saw (low noise). I found a small dead standing white oak and quickly took care of business. Then I noticed a slippery (red) elm that was under attack from dutch elm disease, so I had to grab that one as well. 100% certain this one is red elm. I hid the rounds behind the barn, went to the house, and showered. Wife woke up none the wiser.
I like your style Working 2nd shift, more than a few times I’ve come home in the middle of the night and rolled a load of fresh cut rounds behind the shed, to process at a later date
Gotta get your daily fix. Well done JY! Ms. buZZsaw says if I bring home another load of wood she is going to leave me. Boy am I gonna miss her!
I split mostly with an axe (3 different axes, wedges, and sledge hammers, to be precise) for 5 years. Then I slipped a disc / pinched a nerve in my back, and I never want to relive that feeling. So now I'm 95% hydro splitter, and I swing an axe just enough to not get out of the habit. 10+ cords a year split by hand and I loved every minute of it. That's sort of sick in and of itself. To be clear, chopping wood isn't what screwed up my back, but it probably didn't help.