Nice looking splits! Have you considered a basement/cellar with elevator for storage? Seriously, you need more room for your hoarding addiction!
You mean its a problem? If I admit it then there's no addiction right? We live in a raised ranch with no basement or garage. I did store a few bundles in the storage room years back without her knowledge! Shhhhhhh!!!
LOL!!! Its now full of chain saws! Plus my other work stuff. Oh i forgot, there's also a few boxes of kindling too.
There was 1 round on its side that I just couldn't flip on its edge to noodle. I even tried levers. Time to bring in the power. It took very careful tow strap placement and moving forward very slowly but I managed to get it upright. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I'm glad to hear that it isn't full of Tupperware and old clothes for a yard sale! You got your priorities right.
Couldnt half it with a maul? I've given them a good stab with my pickeroon and with some oomph, rolled it over. Usually its to roll a log to finish a cut.
Logs are generally pretty easy. The round was laying on the cut edge and weighs somewhere in the 200# area. Probably could have taken a maul to it. However, it was about 85 degrees with 90 something percent humidity. I didn't have the motivation for that.
Unfortunately, it's not available. My father-in-law is helping his brother build a house for his youngest daughter. I probably won't have it back until October. I have several logs, totes and racks I'd love to move but that isn't an option for the time being. So I have to resort to other methods to get the work done. Fortunately, the Gator is plenty stout in the pulling department. I just needed to set the strap up properly and use some geometry to figure out how to stand that round up.
Delivered 30 for one of my local regulars. All of them are well stocked and I doubt I'll get an order in the next two weeks unless its from my FBM ads. When I was rotating the old bundles a couple had some frass come out. I checked and they've been there over two months in full sun.
I would say it's time to take a little break but I'm sure you'll find a scrounge somewhere and drag it home! Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I took the day off because I have a ridiculous amount of PTO saved up. I decided to tackle several chores that I haven't had time to get around to. One of those was cleaning up several trees in the backyard. 1 mulberry appeared to be a lightning strike. There was also a wild cherry that has been slowly coming down limb by limb in various storms. And then a few more mulberries that just had several low hanging branches. I grabbed the pole saw and got everything tidied up so that I can mow without having to go around the branches. It's definitely not the best work but I don't have a bucket truck and I don't climb. I burned up all the brush. I had a few small limbs of both mulberry and wild cherry that I will cut and split for firewood. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I made some covers for my homemade racks. I use a tarp cut to fit over a plastic pallet. I added grommets at the corners and used bungee cords to keep the tarp on the pallets. I just put the cover on top of the rack and use a ratchet strap to keep it in place. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
Carnage continues as I work on cleaning up the wood yard. Sent from my motorola edge plus 5G UW (2022) using Tapatalk
I had a face cord of cull wood (punky, dirty, some past its prime) in the way and posted on FBM. New regular from last year called and need some firepit wood. SOLD. He was happy as was I. Needing to get the bin out of the way for shed addition. Tearing down sagging part on the right and rebuilding. Temporarily filling it with fresh bundle wood splits. I have the rounds from last week score to SS this week and will be caught up with bundle wood for the most part. Wood is sugar maple and black walnut. Bin is 4x4x4'
Posted an ad on FBM for 100 pcs of cherry smoker wood. Had an inquiry the next day asking how much I have. Asked what he wanted and didn't specify so I told him I can do 300. Quoted him and its in the works for this week. Half hour away. Wood was destined for bundles.
That's often what I do with my totes of shorts. Somebody just wants wood, doesn't care what it is. I try to steer them in that direction so I can move it out.