Nice rows! I might be trying that with my "field of wood" I have to process. It's a ton of dump loads all plunked in a small area, and I figure I might as well stack it right where it is.
Beautiful pics. Is everything in the Haftacut house this neatly organized? The Tupperware cabinet? Sock drawers?
Processed and stacked this pile of beech and cherry with my nephew today. Now burning some scraps where the pile was. Gonna save the nuglies for my morso stove. Finished another row and started my third today.
Pumped the brakes on pretty everything april 10th when I went to the hospital with back pain radiating through to my chest. Ended up being infective pericarditis. Non hemolytic strep, which they said they never see in the pericardium. After 23 days in the hospital and surgery to remove my pericardium, I was home. About 5 or 6 weeks out from surgery, so with some help from the kiddos with moving some wood around, I was able to finish a good sized pile of rounds over the course of three separate splitting sessions, which are abbreviated for now. For the last few weeks, I’d been tormented with simply looking at the pile knowing it was well outside my restrictions! Feels good to be back at it to some degree. No tree work for me for the majority of the summer, but it’s ok. Sending all my work to a buddy of mine. Have most of the summer off, so we’re gonna make the most of it! And the biggest blessing out of it all is no damage to my heart. No pills to take or anything! I think it ended up being between 6 and 7 face cord split and stacked. Beech, maple, cherry, red oak, and sycamore.
Scary stuff. Nice that you are on the rebound with no I'll effects. One day at a time and it will get done when the time comes.
Hot as balls here, but just want to get this beech wood taken care of. My buddy did a removal and asked if I wanted it. After I saw it, I told him I thought we were friends Lots of cutting to get stuff broke down. Just working a couple hours each morning. I’ll have to measure the diameter of the two logs. It’s huge! Once I get it all broken down, I’ll have the nephew split it all while I stack it. Bought a couple big lag bolts today to put in the back of the two logs to hook a strap to, and after I cut most of the way through, pull them over and cut from the bottom. Gotta learn different ways to get it done while my sternum heals.
Somebody's gotta say...Thats a big sum beech! I wouldn't wanna process that in the heat. Maybe return the favor and give him some black or sweet gum!
I definitely don’t want to process it in the heat! Miserable, miserable, miserable! Try and get it cut up and go from there. I’m soaked with in a couple hours even in the early morning, so I’ll probably be a couple days just getting it ready for splitting. Pretty hot where you’re at too buZZsaw BRAD ?
YUP! Stacking maybe the only firewood task I'll be working on this week. May assemble more bundles and might have a delivery or two.
Been almost a month since I’d been behind my dads to process more of that big beech. Figured I’d go out there this morning for a bit of sawing. Issue was rolling the two massive logs over to finish my cut without burying my bar in the ground, so I bought a large lag bolt and put it in the middle of the log on the back, hooked tow strap to it, and rolled the log over. Worked like a charm. I got one of the two logs all noodles down into chunks and then finished the pile of three big rounds. All I have left is to do the second log, and then I can get to splitting. Hardly Goldilocks is all I have to say It’ll be nice to have this stuff done with! Out there for a little over three hours before I ran out of saw gas and me gas.