Excuse my ignorance (again..) but I just bought a new(to me) set of summer rims/tires for my '16 F150. I've heard it's around $100 at a shop to relearn the tpms to the truck when you switch them out. I'm wayyy to cheap to fork out $200 a year on relearns when I'll swap them out. Is it as easy as this cheap litte tool (or something similar)TPMS Relearn Reset Tire Pressure Monitor Sensor Program Train Tool for Ford F150 | eBay to get the tires relearned? (Along with the other steps I see you have to do).
Im cheap too, why I own an older vehicle. I'm tired of driving a computer even though its a 2011 Nissan Murano Best of luck with your endeavor.
These used to come in the glove box of certain year ford vehicles that required different pressures front and rear. I swiped one out of a vehicle that was traded in and have been using it for 10 ish years . Ford TPMS 19 TPMS Relearn Tool Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor Training Activation Ford TPMS Reset Tool
Yep vehicle features have gone batchit crazy for what I want/need. I could just look and see if my tires were/are going flat, just like the olden days.. Thanks, I'll probably give that one a whirl.
I got them 'relearned'. I bought the one off ebay I had linked, I think it's the same one Warner linked. It took me longer than it should have though (and maybe a curse word or three). I tried the relearn scan by doing the emergency flasher button three times but come to find out that only works (on mine anyways) if you're just rotating the tires that are already synced to the truck. I had to do the key on and off three times deal. (youtube is your friend).
I have had a few people ask me about the flasher thing, I guess it comes up on a Google search? I have always used the key/brake pedal procedure for all Ford vehicles with TPMS. It’s one of those things that I couldn’t tell you what to do but it’s committed to memory when I get in the car with the tool in my hand it just happens.
Yeah the couple I watched anyways on YouTube showed the emergency flasher method. I eventually found the key/brake method once I went down the WWW rabbit hole and found it typed out on one of the F150 forums. The scan procedure did pop up on the dash/display of the truck when I did the flasher method but it wouldn’t register with it.. (also a couple showed you don’t even need the scan tool, you just have to let X amount of pressure out of each tire when it says on the dash which one to do)
I'll have to try that out when I get new tires. I know that a couple of other tricks don't work on the push button ones, like getting the key code for the door. There's ways to do it, but not the same as with the trucks that have a physical key vs the smart key or whatever they call it.
time to get creative, must some sort of resistance thing in the sensor ( current passed or not) likely a small resistor to short out sensor . never bother with them again. I dislike all these prone to failure high priced nanny state add ons. Take 3/4 of the front end apart to replace a headlight or the 7 grand to repair a faulty circuit in a tail light assembly. totally NUTZZ.
I have heard of people pulling the sensors out of the wheels and putting them inside a pressurized PVC “pipe bomb” to eliminate having to buy more sensors for a second set of wheels. I think I remember a member on here doing it actually.
Or you can ignore the light, which we used to do all winter on our vehicles with snow tires on separate wheels. That was then. Our current vehicles automatically learn by either pushing the tpms button till it flashes, or just by swapping between rims. One vehicle has the sensors in both sets of wheels. This is the one that automatically syncs to the sensors without a tool or special process. The other has no sensors. It goes off wheel rpm in relationship to the rest when driving.
Nope not gonna do it. I can listen to the door or seatbelt chime all day long but one unnecessary light on the dash for more than the prove out sequence. Big NOPE! Kinda like using a dirty funnel
Sorry, I didn't mention that I'll probably be getting 18" rims and leave the 20" that it has stock off. I can get 18" AT tires for much less than the 20" ers. Granted I'll need to buy rims and tpms sensors when I do that, but I'll get ahead eventually.