Thanks for the pictures. I am glad you escaped with only a few bruises. Machinery does make a difference.
Wow!! When that happens, it definitely concentrates the attention! Think what would happen so some folks who seem to get a kick out of lifting things high rather than keeping them as low as possible.
Glad you're healing up! Looks like there's room to stack more firewood now... I'm sure Miz Carol wouldn't mind, as long as you don't take over the carport.
You are going to get a lot of heat for a long time from that tree in some future winter(s)! Good job!
A tree can humble you really fast! Especially when you’re right in it with nowhere to go! Glad you’re alright. Always enjoy your picture documentation! Probably the shortest distance you’ll go for a score of firewood too
Heard a story about a guy around here that had something similar happen. Piece he was cutting came back and rested on the boom. He didn’t have a harness and cut it to free it from the boom. He catapulted out and died. Tragic!
T.Jeff Veal So glad that you’re OK and was not any worse of an accident! Of no particular surprise but we too have lots of water oak here in SC.
It happened right in East Lansing a few years ago. He was a well liked retired do it yourself type doing side work for friends and family. Yes it was tragic. Remember folks gravity never takes the day off.