This oak tree decided to finish falling to the ground this afternoon. Thankfully, we were there to witness it and no people, pets, livestock or buildings were harmed. This tree started to uproot about 2.5 weeks ago and got hung up in a beech tree. We called the arborist to get it the rest of the way down safely. Last night, there was a good amount of rain, so I guess this loosened the soil enough to to finish the job. Today, it took about 45 min. It broke through the beech, but got hung up on a healthy poplar. We figured it would stop there and we'd call the arborist tomorrow morning. Then, the top of the oak that was hung up in the poplar blew out and the oak went to the ground safely. The poplar got skinned pretty badly, so it's a loss now. Hopefully, I can sell a couple saw logs from the oak and poplar. Of course I'll get plenty of firewood. At least I saved the $$$ the arborist would have charged. 2.5 weeks ago hung on beech 1/2 way down hung on poplar Safely on the ground, phew!
I started to clean up the top today. Oh my word, that thing was a Gordian knot! Thankfully, MMWS201T devoured everything up to the full 14" bar and then some. It was very helpful to be toting around such a lightweight and compact saw while stumbling all over through all that mess. I guess that was a terrific test of my ankle surgery healing. It did fine. I just worked very carefully and very slowly. "Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast."