Yes, the kWH credits from the solar on the house meter can be applied to both meters. The EVs charge using 40 amp 240v, and I’d like to learn to weld, maybe an electric sawmill too. I am planning for more solar panels on the barn roof at some point.
The lean to was not part of the original plan. There is a large bank on that corner of the building that I need to build up as the lean to posts are close to the edge. I removed some more trees and left the stumps high and used them to hold some old cedar logs in place so that when I roll some large boulders down the bank it creates a retaining wall of sorts. I Forgot about the drain line for the floor drains, and put a couple of boulders in the way by mistake so I had to set up some rigging to pull them out of the way, fun times. Hauling a bunch of boulders back from about a half mile out in the woods, 8 in the dump trailer, 1 in the backhoe bucket and 2 in the grapple. The roads are posted for heavy loads until May 1, my dirt guy will bring a bunch of fill for me to back fill.
Finishing up on the outside. Gutters…a little Downeast humor. Got 6 loads of “loam tailings” from my dirt guy for fill over the bank on the lean to side. This stuff was a challenge to scoop, lots of rocks, stumps, and roots mixed with a little bit of loam, I’ll plant it with clover to help hold it in place. Dug out for a little extra turn in space in this area directly across the doors which meant I needed a ditch to divert the water coming off the slope above. Perforated pipe and a little load of round river rock from the dirt guy. The foundation was backfilled with sand just to get the building built, so I dug that out down about a foot and got a bunch of loads of inch minus from the dirt guy. Had enough space to make a lower level to the side of the lean to. Decided to run some conduit to the house while I was tearing things up and before I finished the landscaping. Two 2 inch conduits for future solar panels on the roof so I can run the power back to the combiner box and grid interface already in place in the basement of the house for the panels on the house roof. Put in an extra 2 inch conduit while I had the ditch open, I could possibly use this for generator that could live in the barn. Got a couple pallets of flat fieldstone to build the steps and landing for the porch entrance. I’m thinking of planting blueberry sod on the bank on this side of the barn. Also been working with my FIL wiring in some outlets and lights. Built a big work bench and a some elevated storage in a corner.
This kind of work I enjoy, climbing around on ladders and roofs…not so much. I see your brother tore his garage down, lots of ground work going on at his place, they are building a new garage I’m guessing?
That's a fine looking building Dave! The weather seems to be shaping up to be a normal spring and hopefully summer. You definitely had a struggle with it (of course) during your build, hat's off to you!