This showed up at the dump today. No idea what it is. I’m guessing some kinda fruit tree or maybe crabapple. The pink under the bark smells like watermelon to me ( hence the title) also about the same color. Was thinking about grabbing some for the grill and smoker depending on what you all think it is
Most defiantly a crabapple, but couldn't tell you which one specifically. Neighbors had one when I was a kid. Don't eat too many if you find the tree. No joke, could shoot it thru a screen door at 50 yards
Thats wild. Can't say I've ever seen anything with that red cambium layer. Looks like some sort of fruit tree IMO.
Leaves and bark look like something in the malus (apple) genus. There's so many different varieties out there and of the 4 I've personally cut, each looked a little different. Looks like good smoker wood to me and if not, it should still make good "specialty" firewood.
My guess is a type of apple, that has that same bug, fungus, whatever, that makes boxelder have the red streaks...
Just when you thought you had all the crazy under control someone finds a watermelon tree Weird stuff, never seen anything like it. Leaves do look like apple tho.
Could be a crab or a version of the Bud rootstocks from Russia. They were bred to have a red cambium.
I went out this evening to get some of the “watermelon tree” but didn’t have enough battery in my Milwaukee hatchet. I’ll go back tomorrow for some. But this was there today all cut into nice size pieces. I’m thinking it’s chokecherry . Although it is not very common to see it in this diameter.
Went and got some. Smells like watermelon to me. But I can buy into the apple theory so I’ll go with that.