Hello all, Finding parts that fit the 346XP has been challenging at times and I've often looked on Ebay. With the model no longer being made, the cost of OEM has gone up and there are so many chinese knockoffs that I try to avoid. There is a seller that goes by CheapChainsawParts or CustomChainsawParts on Ebay that sells many chainsaw parts. I ordered a clutch drum with the 3/8-7 rim gear, as I was hoping to convert the saw to 3/8 chain while I'm replacing the whole clutch system. When it arrived, the "New" part was rusted in several places and has the large spline clutch drum. As most may know, the 346XP has a small spline. I contacted the seller and there was no recognition to the rust on the parts (different from the item shown pictured) and is SURE that this fits a 346XP and that I have the wrong worm gear. From all accounts of my research, the 346XP only ever came in a small spline and if you wanted to advertise a 3/8-7 rim gear, there is a part specific to the small spline. The seller will not accept a return. Here's two listings, same Windsor part which I found after the fact which advertises it fitting different machine lists. My Purchase Link 1 After looking at recent reviews and leaving one of my own, you can see this seller has some serious customer service issues. They seem to be in the habit of selling parts that don't fit the models they list. Hope this helps someone else!
File a complaint with ebay, you'll get your money back, they'll take it from him. I bought some ebay parts that were listed as being Honda OEM, even had knockoff packaging n all, but it was not OEM once I got it. I ripped him on the feedback, he then offered to refund $10 to change my feedback, nope!
Similar incident recently with an adjustement tool buy from the ccp (not readily available elsewhere). Inacurate listing. Dropped a bomb in seller review on them. Get contacted...'we'd like to compensate you...'. Nope, the review stays up as a warning to other potential buyers to beware, improve accuracy of your listings if you want high ratings. Also...don't put it passed someone to purposely sell you a wrong item in order to gain access to an account when they 'make good' on the deal. I ate $13. No attempt to return or for refund. It's called learning. lol $13 lesson.
Also...I won't even buy knockoff fuel filters, so for the most part I'm safe on the cheap parts front.
I agree. What brand do you prefer? Since the orange Husqvarna ($8-10 per) ones aren't available in bulk, I'm switching t0 the oem Walbro fuel filters at about $3 a piece.
With a large spline worm gear, would this work on a 346? I don't know much about the 357/359 to know if the clutch is the same. I'm going to keep the part and leave my current review up.
Someone that deliberately miss leds to sell something is the same as a thief and all thieves are garbage bags to say it nice
Agreed and that's what this Ebay seller does. He puts blanket fitment statements on parts and people buy them, they don't fit and he makes it seem like you're an idiot. If you read some of his responses, each one ends with YCFS (you can't fix stupid). It's like me selling you wheels for your truck but then saying "yeah you need to buy adapters to put them on" after the fact.
I will see what I have, I may have an Oregon drum which will be of good quality. Or I may have a good used one to send him for shipping
Thank you both, I ordered the Oregon drum with rim sprocket. Like you all, I try to stick to OEM or popular name brands. Thank you a lot!
Really can’t go wrong with an Oregon part most importantly is to buy from a reputable company. I am old school i call the company talk to a person and order
I just buy whatever OEM. Have some from Echo, some from Husky and some from Makita currently. I don't need to match the maker with their particular filter or anything, just tubing size. I like the Echo ones I bought with the 501. They are of the type like Husky uses but with a metal top, which I prefer to the felt with clips. I do use them though. Rich told me to avoid the aftermarket fuel filters, so I do. Because...who am I to tell him he's wrong? The guy has repaired more chainsaws that I have actually laid eyes on in my lifetime. lol
File a complaint with eBay and show pics. You should get your money back from ebay. Give him bad feedback too. There's a lot of volume sellers on eBay that will probably chance having an unsatisfied customer. I imagine most wont go through the trouble of returning something inexpensive. I try to give volume sellers the benefit of the doubt. Is it possible its NOS and rusted in the package? Imagine a steel part sitting in a damp area for many years? Just my 2c
True. You have to read the fine print on eBay listings if they use a stock image. Id be not happy in the OP case either.
Thats the reason i avoid e-bay i read so many poor reviews from people being misled and shafted out of their money, i understand some sellers are truthful and honest but it's a crap shoot each time to deal there. Many time i want to repair an old tool, but after trying to find parts i end up just junking it and buy a new item.