I had seen one maybe 2-3 in my life until a few years ago when one showed up at our feeder and have returned faithfully every Spring. Its serenade and familiar "ick" chirp bring it to our attention.
We have yet to see one, but the neighbor in the efficiency has had one at his feeder. The woodpeckers stop to drink the sugar water all the time. I did see the male RBG land and try to drink but his beak was too big.
I briefly spotted this handsome fella this morning. He moved right as I was taking the picture, then promptly took off.
Were you scrounging the mulberry twig? Hear them at least monthly here. Watched one on our hill side pecking away at the base of a tree. Couldn't get decent pic though.
I figured you'd recognize this spot. The BL trees and root ball is something of a landmark. It's not too often I catch a glimpse of a woodpecker. Once in a while I'll hear them in the woods next door to me working on the dead trees.
buZZsaw BRAD I saw this guy just a few min ago. I only see them every now and again around here. I just love their colors.
All started arriving in the last few days... Orchard and Baltimore Orioles, hummingbirds and Rose breasted grosbeaks. Another pair of eastern bluebirds have shown up today and are checking out the nest box. There have been others in the neighborhood for a couple months now.
She saw three males together at the feeder this morning. Hear them all the time now. Cool to watch them fly away with all black and white. This solitary female turkey has been hanging around. Ms. buZZsaw's pics. She named it Mildred. Saw it roosting the other night and tonight.
I checked the nest yesterday morning. Another bird had deposited an egg. I've heard of cowbird's doing this and I think it is a cowbird egg. Checked last night and two had hatched
Saw a hummingbird this morning and mom and dad said they had an Oriole looking for jelly so I guess it's time to deploy the feeders!
Last weekend I finally had a couple of redwinged blackbirds at my place. They are late this year and usually I have a large flock roost in my trees for a couple of days before dispersing. This past Thursday there were 2 male red breasted grosbeaks here. I rarely see those. I don't actually remember seeing any since being at this place (10 years), but I could be mistaken.
Ms. buZZsaw saw one last week. Rare to see them here. Where I've been working I hear them. My mom always said it sounds like they are saying "broccoli"
We usually see hummingbirds around the first week in May. Haven't seen any yet, although it doesn't mean they aren't here. It's been kinda cold so that's probably a factor.
I have friends in the Ossipee NH area that have had them for a couple of weeks. So, they are that far north. They were ~2 weeks later than usual, before showing up here.