Hi Guys - Long time reader, first time poster. I stumbled into a fella who said he had a hedge apple that he wanted down and said i could have the wood if i cut it down. He said his saw wasn't big enough to get it on the ground. I thought, man it can't be that big... Boy was i wrong. This ones going to tie up my weekends for a while.
That is a gnarly looking tree stump. Good luck working that up. I hope you use a mechanical wood splitter on that twisted mess.
WSN, just curious, I can't tell, did the tree twist with felling cuts (such as a notch and back cut) or did you just cut it straight through on an angle and it fell, but twisted? I had to learn how to do all that stuff and I still have surprises sometimes. Like yesterday, lol. That is awesome firewood, I hope you can salvage it all, I'd save even splinters for kindling!
Its hard to see from the pic but that tree was leaning heavily on the down hill side of the slope so i didn't notch it at all.
Hedge fights back. Report back all your cuts, bruises, fat lips, thorn punctures, etc. What is with the farmer cut?
All good, im about 50% through it at this point. The tree was a little hollow at the base and leaning heavily down slope so i frankly i didn't feel safe notching it on the lower side. The farmer cut worked but not pretty.
Welcome to the form there is tons of information here and tons of great people If you don’t now something or are unsure just ask we are all willing to help each other out Almost forgot nice job taking that tree down
Did you know that not all "hairy" ivy is poisonous? I recently had a guy tell me that his tree guy told him they all were. There're several on my property that are hairy and definitely not poisonous. I'll note that i treat all ivy as poisonous until i know what it is. Recently cleared a tree row with ivy and the only one that had leaves, had smooth bark and was poison ivy.