I have never met that fellow but he has been stacking wood in that field for many years. He must be an ok guy.
Do you think that could be for his own use? Wonder how many cords that is. I can't tell if it's single row. If so, I'd guess 12 cords if it's 16-in splits. Might be way off! It's a bit of a wow-factor as to how much wood a season of wood is. The labor involved!
There's a house I drive by sometimes out a ways. Around 8 years ago I noticed a behemoth pile of splits had appeared. Trying not to be exagerative...my guess is 20-25 cord. It's placement and the block chimney told me it was for home heat. I watched it shrink over the years until two years ago when it was depleted. A small pile..maybe 2 cord was thrown up, but that too is now gone. Unknown if the guy had a boon of wood to get after and now doesn't, or if he's just not able to work like that anymore...or unwilling.
I had almost forgotten but only a couple miles from there a few years ago a fellow had a stack about 1/4 mile long! I wonder if that was too much and he simply quit burning wood?