No not that kind. Firewood kind of course. Had to run an errand after work and passed this on the way home. Tree guy just finishing up for the day. Stopped, asked and can take whatever I want. Not a lot for primo firewood...mostly silver maple. Big cedar caught my eye for mill fodder. 16" butt end and 9-10' long. Called buzz-saw. Him and I will grab them tomorrow afternoon when the rain ends.
Correction: it was red maple plus a couple rounds of Norway maple. buzz-saw's trailer loaded with the cedar. Off to the Miller's. Big log was 19" at butt end and 13" at the other. Took a little doing but we managed. What was left behind. Quick lunch and off to storage to split the load.
I like Norway maple for firewood. Nice call on using the cedar for lumber. Any ideas what it will get made into?