So last night Timber didn't want to come in at the end of the night. She's a keeper of the woodland critters type of dog, very protective of Hayden and us. She never backs down from keeping the critters at bay. So since she didn't come back on her own, I shined a flashlight and saw that part of my stack for next year partially toppled. Timber was inspecting the wood for signs of critters. She came back head down like she did something wrong. No, you didn't Miss Timbi-J. It was leaning out like it likes to do from drying because it gets blasted with late day sun. Well a decent amount fell over Timber want having any of my pictures, because she didn't do it. 1 beer, a couple of songs blasting through the Hyperboom from all sorts of random bands including some Tool , 311 (missed 3/11 day by a day), neffex, prodigy and Phoenix as well as others, and it was corrected. See the hidden beer can?
Now I just need to fill the rest of this left bay with box elder from my neighbor's score and it'll be full. Then, just need to get the center bay filled.
Been a loooong time since I had one topple. Sucks but the fix looks good. Hopefully won’t happen again.
I had that 2nd to last row all the way to the top. About 11 feet. So it's for more opportunities to fall. Especially with the wood shrinking with drying.
Yes. I did that before we got her a little over a year ago. We didn't know how big/ small she'd be. Since she likes to keep critters in check the boards help. I'll replace them with something better looking at some point. If she were to get under there, there's no fencing on the other side to keep her in our yard.
It is amazing how much the stacks can change from drying out, especially when you have it stacked high. Looks all nice and orderly now. Good woodshed too.
I didn’t even notice the beer can until I read your post then I saw it The stack look good now and that’s a great looking wood shed
Yeah, I planned it out pretty well. It will be even better once I get a slightly bigger garden shed to replace the one I have where I typically sure my garden tractor and other things. Them I'll be able to have all 3 bays utilized only for firewood. Right now, my Tractor won't fit in the old garden shed without me taking the deck off. Heck, the wheel weights even won't clear the door opening. So those are off for now as well. Once I get that shed replaced with one that can fit my tractor, the implements as well as push mower and a zero turn, then I'll be golden. Lol. Our Timber had that name as we adopted her only a year ago. Original owners were going to put her down. She's such a great dog. And those owners are not great people and even worse dog owners. Timber fits in well in our family, and she has a buddy in Hayden our Lab. It just so happens I'm a wood hoarder, and our neighborhood is called "Timber Crest" so her name fits. Although we call her Timbi-J. Lol Thanks, it's my pride and joy project from 2020. I was thinking about hiding it, like Where's Waldo style. Thank you! I need to remember to start stacking the next row to help stabilize it before going to the top of the current row. That won't help on the last row, but whatever. I have to get out a step ladder to get the top filled, especially on the right side due to the slope of the land.
Discovered this today. Two front stacks had "warped" so bad from uneven drying they toppled. It gets good sun and wind on that side and it has been a windy March. I hastily restacked it in front