Has anyone spotted one of these on their travels? I've seen about 6-7 of these listed on the map (old and new map, a few are no longer in their locations) Muffler Men Map Roadside Attractions Map - The Muffler Men
I saw a couple of them on a 3 month cross country trip Summer of 1979. One was in the mountains somewhere after we were at Mount Rushmore and another was after The Grand Canyon, maybe in Flagstaff. Don't remember exactly where nor which ones. Never realized there were so many of them until I read it on the internet.
Have never seen one in person. I do know some guys who once stole a 15' tall Big Boy statue from a closed down location. lol
There is an old closed down business that has one of those out front still...no idea how they got it though...it was an old guy, so probably an auction or something...
I really had no idea there was a small army of Paul Bunyans out there in the world. All this time I thought that statue in Cheshire was something really unique (it still is, in its own way). I’ve driven by it countless times. 15 years ago I rented a house right around the corner from there, and the last company I worked for was also located close by on Knotter Drive.
Only one I've seen (and you probably have too BCB ) is at Mr bills in winslow. There happens to be a 30ft tall gorilla at a gas station a few miles up the road from me.
Mr. Bendo lives a couple miles from me. here’s a bit of his history How Mr. Bendo got his tailpipe back
When I was in high school I remember some kids stole a Ronald McDonald statue and took it to a party lol
Small world! I worked near there for awhile and that was my back roads route to run to the Home Depot during my lunch.
I had to check your profile, you aren't from my state but had some students that stole the exact same one. They seemingly got away with it as it hit headlines for months with cash rewards and all kinds of stuff. They realized they had more than they wanted and were afraid cameras were set up to catch anyone returning him (years ago) so they dropped him at a safe location and he was "found" and is back on the bench.
I didn't realize those were "Muffler Men". I always thought they were Paul Bunyan. Probably because the ones I have seen were painted to look like a logger and had axes in their hands. The only one that may be still around I think is in Willits CA? Any Californians confirm that?