Thanks for the compliments. In the shed I used three 12' 4x4s for the floor base. I have three cinderblocks along each side and one in the center of the center 4x4 beam.. So far it feels very rigid, even on the 12' spans without a middle support. I'm starting to think once I add wood in it it may start to sag. Better find more cinderblocks
That's great, we need to sometime soon. We're about 90 miles from Athens, between Milledgeville and Sandersville.
A belated Welcome Hickok…..I mean hickory45! Got some great looking stacks there. You’ll like it here
We had someone else do the deer head, but that sounds like a good method, boiling and my co worker, i think he mentioned using an air hose to blow the leftover bits out. My wife is actually the one who got me into hunting. She took the safety courses and several in person deer processing classes last year so she's eager to practice her new skills but I guess we weren't quite ready, got this one kind of last minute, literally harvested it on the last hour of thr last day of gun season, anyway we took this one to a processor. Next year we definitely want to do it all ourselves. Have you made many european mounts?