That is, completely out of dry firewood for the season. I know, I know, spring in the northeast is unpredictable and we could be having cold and misery for the next two to three months, but I can't help it. My whole schedule got turned upside down with work issues, health problems and other crap last year, and I never got the chance to fully stock the woodshed for the winter. As a result, I've been burning a random assortment of junk since late December, including a pile of nearly-rotten cottonwood, 2 cords of wet box elder, and a lot of wood shop scraps. I've now started burning next year's wood, which (fortunately) is mostly ash, so it's not terrible, but it's only been cut and split and under cover for about four months. This wasn't standing dead either, it was nice green healthy ash from a roadside/ditch clearing project. So it's wetter than I'd like. I managed to "borrow" about a week's worth of nice bone-dry cherry and hornbeam from my father, since he's always got more than he needs, but the old man's 85 this year and he certainly doesn't need the extra work. I just feel like complaining a bit since you guys would probably understand, and I swear to whatever's holy that I won't let this happen again. I told the wife that I'm gonna spend as much time as possible in the woods this spring and summer so that the woodshed is fully stocked. She got to deal with my stoopid this winter a few times, digging wet frozen wood out of a snow pile to keep the wood boiler fed. It sucks when you have neither the time to cut and split wood, nor the money to buy it when you don't have the time.
I am sure most of us have been there at one time or another, stop on down I will give you a load of wood.
Been there so I know. Not happening again that's for sure. Get after it as soon as you can , being in North East makes it a little tricky. One bite at a time and just keep nibbling away at it.
I’ve been fortunate over the years never to run out, but our weather here is a lot milder than a lot of the country. Medical issues have kept me away from cutting for a while so I know how much that sucks. Gathering and prepping firewood is one of my favorite things to do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've burned oak that I cut in the same weekend. Never had any problems, course I'm down south and we don't have the constant bitter cold yall have.
I’m another fortunate one to have not run out. Have you scoured CL and FBMP for free wood? Sometimes you can find stuff that would be good to go. The time thing can be justified as preventing the switch to more expensive means of producing heat.
My wife is home now and she keeps putting wood on the fire all day. I come home and it’s 75 in the house and I have to strip down to a T shirt. I told her we will only be good through March.
Do you know any firewood sellers or burners. I always have an over abundance of nuggets and uglies that I would give away for a sandwich and chips.
I'm have about 1 face cord left of pine, ash and oak, then I'll be out too. And the winter up here in SD has been really nice. Propane tank still has over 40% (half tank) in it too
I have burned more this winter than the past 2 which is strange since my wife is not home as much burning wood like her life depends on it. Went to the barber shop this morning and he said he also burned more this winter so It’s official
Before getting on the plan, this was the time of year I would start to have stack anxiety. The cure was to find some standing dead ash or oak and process directly to the front porch. The dryness can vary quite a bit but it’s btus and you eliminate some handling by not having to stack. One more reason I will truely miss the ash when it’s all gone.
Any access to woodlots? Different locality, but I have a bunch of small dead standing red maple that can go right in a stove if necessary. I've had to make dead scrounges with friends before to keep their stoves burning. This is where I would usually say go cut down an ash tree and don't worry if it's green but ...
You got truck and trailer? I got at least cord and half of hemlock and cedar blocked not split over 8 months down I can help load with Kubota. You got a boiler right? You can drive right too it until mud season
I get the time issue Jon_E . For me it seems I'll start processing then between work and life, I won't touch the saw or maul for a month. Or if i have off, it's raining. I absolutely hate processing firewood in the rain and mud. Hang in there. You'll get through. I see some other fine hoarders have offered some help. No shame on taking them up on it. It's the FHC way!
Sadly, it does happen. Just one more reminder why the 3 year plan is so good. I hope you find some good wood Jon. I still think winter is not over yet.
I appreciate you guys, I knew that some of you have "been there done that". It's supposed to be up in the high 40's and 50's next week and sunny, and I've got a bunch of old dry maple, pine and locust that I think might get me through the rest of the season. None of it is cut or split, but I can make that happen.