AS was in decline for a few years before that, too. The Brain Drain was expedited by a hack, political BS, and many fake saw “porters” who clogged AS with garbage. The exodus to here from Hearth and other sites had some parallels, but nothing as bad as watching Lakeside53’s build threads get buried by junk.
Yeah I’d say that’s a fair statement. After they banned Randy (mastermind) most of us that were mostly sane and knowledgeable followed suit over to ope when Bruce offered to sponsor the new site. It’s a close knit group of guys but it’s pretty loose and friendly over there.
I talked in person to Scott (treemonkey) years ago and he filled me in on the drama over on AS, but I don't remember any of it. Looks like Scott has not been active on OPE since October, so he may have given up on the forums period. He's still doing work and posting videos on his YT channel though.
Autotune coils are weird. Sometimes there can be something wrong with the carb that won’t let the coil fire. take a look at the ignition wires between where they exit the coil and enter the carb box. Sometimes they fray and will ground out. Replace the plug also
Here’s a bit of an update: Went to Husqvarna’s website to see what other “authorized service dealers” are around. One in North Platte (65 miles) I wouldn’t use them if there’s any other option. One in Valentine, (65 miles) called him and he seemed willing to be helpful and called me back twice after doing some checking. Another in Ord (120 miles) and the town I grew up in. Called and left a message. He called me back maybe 2 hours later. Turns out I know him, he was 3-4 years behind me in school. He seemed very knowledgeable about the 5 series Husqvarna saws. Said that he had a regular customer that comes to my town fairly often. ( his customer keeps an airplane at the airport here, and I know him). He reached out to his regular customer and it turns out that he will be up here tomorrow to fly someplace. He sent me John’s number. I called John and set it up to put my saw in his hanger ( I have a master key for the airport hangers) and he will get it to Joel in Ord sometime this week. This is the kind of customer service that used to be very common, but today is almost nonexistent. It’s not likely that I’ll have my saw back in less than a month, and definitely not in time for the cottonwood job coming up. But I have a feeling that he will get it sorted out and will gain a new customer and some good “word of mouth” advertising
I replaced the plug and couldn’t see anything obvious with the wires. It’s hard to believe that there could be frayed wires in less than 2 tanks of fuel. Probably doesn’t have 2 hours of run time
You’d think that. I had a dealer replace a coil under warranty and due to the way he ran it through the hole in the crank case, it ended up kinked wrong and wore a bare spot in the wires. Doesn’t happen often but it’s possible