What's the difference between a dead snake in the road, and a dead lawyer in the road? There's skid marks in front of the snake.
What's the difference between a carp and a lawyer? One's a scum-sucking bottom feeder and the other one's a fish.
A lawyer is like a bullfrog, What ain't belly is head, and most of that is mouth! Apologies to all the wood hoarding lawyers.
The CIA-funded media apparatus is losing its ability to drum up enthusiasm for endless wars on the planet, so they’re thinking really big now. The extraterrestrial threat was a little too far fetched for the average person to believe, despite Hollywood priming the masses with movies in the 90s and 2000s. The next logical step is to cast the usual bogeymen in an out of this world role. Enjoy the PSYOP.
Man suffering over existence of 2 of his fingers has them surgically amputated, study says The next new “norm”?
Some people on drugs mutilate their bodies trying to dig out the "bugs that are crawling underneath their skin" I wonder if such a person showed up to the ER if the doctors would help them dig em' out? Equal application of standards, right?