Left home last Sunday afternoon…. Temps headed for the tank… Got back home at 11:30 am today ( Friday) Tally for the work week….. 2987 miles 543,978 lbs of paneling hauled 89,547 lbs of OSB delivered… $1500 in damages to snowblower (thanks wife ) $245 tow bill for wife’s Jeep $515 repair and new battery (thanks again wifey ) The best part, now home for the weekend with 2 VERY snuggly puppies!!
Youch. My wife wouldn’t even think about using the snow blower. 1500 sounds like full replacement. Was it out of oil, did she injest a boulder??
Propane deal collapsed last year. Now doing Multi axle flatbed… mostly finished board… osb, particleboard, and laminates. Had to fill in this week for one of the dedicated guys… Alpena to Toledo for 5 loads …. 600 miles a day.
She meant well….. She had her notes, tried….. somehow flooded it bad…. Then proceeded to destroy the starter and ring gear….. Then she thought she try and pull start it…. (She suffers from arthritis) somehow got a piece of something in between the flywheel and coil…. Breaking the coil… so now more spark… so after another 10+ pulls, she threw in the towel . We decided that she needed something a bit more easier for her…. So she got a brand new Ego 2 stage cordless snow blower…. Have to say it’s pretty impressive!!!
that was a grueling week for you and your wife. Hope the rest of this month is better. Try to take it easy in this cold.
I heard alot of : “All you are doing is driving, what’s so tiring about that? “. “I want you to drive me Des Moines/Kansas City (90-120miles one way ) this weekend.” I had a few weeks that I was glad were over as as well. I get it, those long days are tiring but the city driving is what took its toll on me. I miss sleeping in the truck, that engine running would put me right to sleep.