Is anyone buying log length wood. 6-10 ft sections. All hardwood of coarse. If so how much a truck full and about how many cords u get out of it. I’m from Connecticut and just started looking into this.
I dont buy wood but check on FBM or with local tree services. Expect the yield to be less than stated once CSS. I believe Warner buys log loads.
I’ve always learned more from listening than speaking….I made contact w/ a FB poster whose profile pic is a moisture meter-he gets it-$60 a face cord, cut to 16” x 3 =$180 a cord-How awesome is that? Moisture ranges from 7-15 %
If I could buy it that cheap I would quit cutting my own and do more hunting and fishing. Just kidding, running a chainsaw is just as much fun. Sure wouldn’t spend as much time admiring my stacks if I didn’t do the work myself. Just something about touching your wood multiple times before it is finished…very satisfying.
This is a $500 load 3 years ago in NJ. About 70% hickory, oak and sugar maple with the rest soft maple and some sycamore. Got about six cords and would do it again but would have him put that sycamore right back on the truck.
The average price in my neck of the woods is approximately $100.00 a cord delivered by triaxle. Usually 7 or so cords in a load.
I did it once. It is a lot of work. If you save $100/cord getting logs compared to getting already split firewood delivered you are probably breaking even with how much time it takes. Unless you have a firewood processor.
I get it. I burn 6+ cords a year. Average price is 3-350. If I buy that much might be able to buy it for the lower end. If I do it myself it’s about 100+ my time and effort and I also teach my son some work ethic and life skills. Which not many people do these days.
Yup, I pay 100$ a cord for log length, burn about 5 cord a year. Or did when we actually got winter. Cut and split wood at the least is 280$/cord or whatever the seller thinks is a cord. I’ll keep my 900$ and get some exercise using tools that I already have.
Geoff C heating your home with firewood ain't for the lazy, plus I'd like to think of it as sticking it to the man. Not really a price tag you can put on that.
If split cords were $350 near me I’d get logs, but they are $200 so it’s not worth getting logs to me. Nothing about being lazy, just smart about time and money. Also no man to stick it to here, logs or split comes from same tree guy.
We bought firewood once 5 yrs ago when we moved to our house as it was fall and we needed some wood for winter. It was $300/cord then and I decided that was the last time I would buy wood. I have taken a couple tractor trailer loads of wood from our logger as he’s cleaning up landings, usually oversized and oddball mixes of hardwood, but the price is right. I own all the tools to process our own, so that’s what I do. I’ve sold a couple cord to friends who run short, giving them a deal on price. It’s been listed here for $350-$400/cord this year. We burn 5-6 cord easily in a year, it doesn’t take long to recoup a new saw cost.
[ At that price its obviously not about heat anymore, its a novelty. If i had to buy my own at that price, they just became the new "man" and I'd almost buy fuel oil instead. It'd be a lot less work.