Hi everyone, Happy New Year. This year one of my resolutions is to post more on FHC! Not that I'm not on here multiple times a day like a crazed addict, but this year I'll contribute more by posting, not just liking. The temps finally dropped for the year here in Wisconsin so it's a great time to make firewood. Once snow falls it slows everything down big time though, so I think those days are numbered. Anybody else get out there in the cold to do some work?
Heavy snow puts firewood making at a stand still here, but love the colder weather for doing such. I do work on wood year round though. Looking forward to seeing some threads CutSplitStack. Until then hoard on and cut safe!
I make firewood year round. There are some slower months when it’s too hot, cold, or wet, but I still try to keep the wheels turning. I’d say spring and fall are my favorite seasons for adding to the stacks. My attitude also flip flops between this is nuts I have enough and oh no there’s not enough
This is the time of year I try to hit it hard (or at least often) Once it starts getting into the 60s and 70s I really don’t want to be breaking a sweat outside if I don’t have to. I don’t mind working outside in the cold, especially making firewood. I just came in the house from splitting a load of ash from yesterday actually. The ground is frozen, it’s warmed up to the upper 20s now, sunny and perfect.
We haven't had real cold, or snow, yet, but it's coming. Just don't know when. I will try to work on wood anytime, but snow will put a damper on it as Lefty won't be here to move snow around at the wood lot. Always got plenty to work on here so not going to worry about it.
Same here. I’m not really looking for a lot of precipitation but if it would just freeze up enough to tighten up the ground so we could get out on the farm & scout some of the dead trees & get them home without making a huge mess that will require a ton of clean up in the spring when there’s a million other things to do.
Ive been slacking big time. Cut a few logs today. Maybe run the splitter a little tomorrow. Now they’re hinting at snowfall for the weekend.