For the last 3 days we've had a weird problem with this forum. Grizzly is aware of this too and he is stumped. On his suggestion I updated adobe and it worked but perhaps it worked then because what the next paragraph states. When I get on the forum, I can not post pictures. When I click on "Upload a File" nothing happens. Yet, after I am on for a time, then all is well and I can post. I went through all the days posts in The Firewood Neighborhood today without being able to post a picture and now I can again post pictures. Help!
The two thing I can suggest are to try Google's Chrome browser-- it solved the same issue for another user. Also, you could make sure you have the latest version of Firefox. I guess I have a third suggestion-- I know you tried IE and it didn't use the flash uploader, so you could try installing Adobe Flash for IE (yes, there is a different version for each browser).
Firefox gets updated whenever they have one and that was yesterday. Yes, I could download another browser but hate to if it is not needed. Even if I did, I'd still like an answer to the problem. (Reminds me of some of the debugging I've done.)
Did you try just dragging the pic over and dropping it? When I have the same issue you are having, dragging works.
Problem is the problem would actually lay in the kernel of the software, which I do not have the means to edit. I am hoping that when we update the forum software it will fix this bug in the process, but I am waiting on some stuff from @Scotty Overkill before I can do that.
Ha! I've never tried that but it works! At least it does now. Tomorrow when I first get on I'll try again. Thanks.
I've had it happen a few times too. I drag & drop but sometimes it sets there & grinds for several minutes, then I get impatient & move on to try later. Sometimes the site is busy, & thing are slow. Maybe it's during peak user time that cause the problem ?
Dennis-- I am hoping to get the forum software upgraded either tonight or tomorrow night, depending on when Scotty gets me what I need. I really hope that will fix your problem.
Are you on a computer with Windows, if you are make sure you have all your windows updates it might help it might not
All updates have been made. This is just a problem that cropped up last week. Adam was aware of it but I was also hoping some other brains might come up with an answer. Probably the update will help.
I had the same issue on firefox! I could not upload but once in a while I could copy & paste or drag & drop. This happened on both my old desktop that recently kicked the bucket and the new computer I am on now. Chrome was my remedy. Also on my now expired desktop, Chrome gave me an option to import all my saved usernames and passwords, made it alot easier. Thanks @Grizzly Adam