Well was back out at it this morning. Of course there was a heavy fog. Didn't see a thing. Tonight 1 doe. But my camera was kind emough to send me pics of several deer passing by my other stand. Thursday night had a buck out in the field 10 minutes before shooting hours ended. I just couldn't find a 3rd point on either side. We do have 2 really decent 4 points running around. Hope it was one of them. One more week for rifle. Than second comes in at the end of the year. I don't think I'll be out too much for that. I'll be hunting future BTUs.
Well, looks like an unsuccessful week unless I get lucky tonight. It's all good....still have almost two months to bow hunt. Also Xtra gun weekend and muzzleloader. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
A local deputy was doing bridge checks & found this one dead under the bridge just down the road from my place.
They are thinking blue tongue but I haven’t heard for sure. The dnr tried to claim it but couldn’t find any metal in it after running her wand over it so the deputy got to keep it.
Lol. Yes, every farm has that has row crop & hay on it. There used to be place about 5 miles down the road that was all fenced in & was supposed to be set up for raising deer but that guy was an idiot & also spent most of his time & money in court with the dnr. He had to drive all the deer off his property before enclosing because he couldn’t confine the states deer, he had to buy his own. Deer hunting here is a grab your ankles event, especially for out of staters but alot of them continue to flock in for it.
You have to buy a regular hunting license along with a deer tag & you may not even draw a tag. $631 to shoot a goat, pftt…. https://www.iowadnr.gov/portals/idnr/uploads/Hunting/nonres_deer_guide.pdf
I wish they would approach things that way in Ohio. Maybe then the residents wouldn't have to pay as much to kill the kings deer.
This is a Brady, TX deer I harvested about an hour ago. He is gutted and hanging, and I cleaned up. He isn't impressive, especially compared to my Campbell, TX buck last year, but will provide us some meat for the table. We saw this run over coming up the county road yesterday as we were coming in.