This Video is 20+ minutes but watch it. Dirty, lying cops at their best! I've already wrote the mayor.
Dave Can you send me the info for the mayor's office you sent your info to. Google has many different places for the mayor's office.
That poor dog didn't deserve the fate that those two provided! I'm AMAZED the VA didn't get Involved, but you know the Government, they want to not ruffle feathers! That's our (NEW) Administration...
Thank you I'm sending e mails today and will be at the VA hospital in Saginaw all day. I will share with others there.
the real tragedy is this happens on a daily basis, all across this country. There is a channel called honor your oath and the guy stops at random cities and holds up a sign saying god bless homeless veterans. He isn't soliciting anything but goodwill. Without fail the jackboots show up and start intimidating the guy, sometimes arrests him. He has sued multiple departments for violating 1st amendment rights.
These Videos tell you a lot about (who's) running the show! I've watched many of them recently. It's amazing they will go after civilized citizens and Veterans but let Looters, thieves and car jackers go free and cashless bail...