They are fun to look at if you have money to burn. If you have really deep pockets these look cool.
I have had one for 3 years. No problems from it. No benefit really either. It's off the stove now. I decided to use stovetop space to add thermal mass instead . A ceiling fan or boxfan will do way more than an eco fan ever dreamed of doing
I have two of the cheap knock-offs on my stove. All they do is help circulate the hot air, and that's not a bad thing. They're not for primary heating.
I have one that is getting dangerously close to a year old. I paid the princely sum of $39 on Amazon. Does it work... I guess it does... maybe...
Use 2 eco fans on our cabin stove to move heated air under the loft area. With no power available, the fans work really well, as long as they're placed like the photo shows. It has to draw cooler air thru fins (from rear of stove area) while sitting on top of hottest surface... in order to get best output.
We have two. I got them mostly for the cool factor, but believed they probably moved some air and that they were probably built stout and would last. After a year of use, I doubt they move any air, and I'm not convinced they're built to last. (We already had one motor replaced under warranty.) But the cool factor! So given the price, I'd say go for a cheaper knock off from Amazon.
My parents have one on each of their stoves. They move air similar to my insert blower on low speed. My dad kept wondering about them, so I ordered him a cheap one off amazon a few years ago. It works, but developed a slight rattle not too long into its life. The other one they have was a hand-me-down from a family friend. It's one of the more expensive units and works flawlessly.
mines been working for a decade, even knocked it over and bent a blade .. oops how well they work is the rub. it isn't much of a breeze if you can call it that. I suppose mine is more of a visual indicator of how well the stove is going.