I knew there were some stink bugs in the pipe and the top of the fireview. So I did the right thing and had a couple fires. Here is the aftermath... Time to sweep the up and put them into the firebox and I am ready for the season. Waste not want not.
I have noticed a larger amount of them than what I seem to recall. Not that many but more than are normally wandering around. Is this like locust or caterpillars where they have a year where they just reproduce like crazy.
This happens every single year where I live. I live in a heavily wooded area. I knew they were in the stove/pipe because I hear them tumble down, tink, tink,tink, plop. The wife and I spent an afternoon sealing the upstairs. Caulking, insulation, good stuff foam, anything to keep these annoying bugs out. I sprayed the soffits and ridge vents with insecticide. Not the insecticide you can buy at the hardware store, the kind the pros use. I applied insecticide to all the window jambs, skylight trim and sliding glass door jambs with a brush. We did a good job we only had one in the bedroom so far. In years prior it would be dozens. I am waiting until a few frosts to bring wood up to the house. If I bring wood up to the house before the cold weather the stink bugs harbor in the wood pile. Then they ride into the house. Then I have to shop vac them up. Huge improvement from years past.
Surprisingly our SB problem here this fall has been really small. Some years they are all over the screened porch and some manage to get in the house when we open the door. Never had any in the chimney or pipe though. Really hate those things!
Stink bug population this year was relatively low. I made the mistake of sweeping a couple up with the vacuum at work.
This next week will be the real test if we did alright. A few cold days and then warm weather is when stink bugs make their last ditch effort to get inside.
That's a big ol' nope.... Ain't been nowhere near that hungry, and there's lots of things to get to before they pop up on my eatin list....
Well, you just wait until your friendly neighborhood Carbon-neutral Diet Compliance Officer stops by. “Eat your insects, sir. Aren’t you concerned about your social credit score, sir? Oh - and I note that your home is two degrees warmer than the Home Climate Office allows. I will have to let them know about this and you may expect them to contact you soon. And don’t think I haven’t noticed, sir, that you still aren’t eating those stink bugs.”
I see a few here and there. Where I work in White Plains NY we were swarmed by the red Lantern Flies. They were all over the place.