Looking for input on what brand and size hookaroon to buy.I’ve never used one.I cut and split between 6 and 8 cords a year.also my freind and son cut and split around 4 cords each out of my wood yard.so it will probably get a lot of use.not worried about price to much.quality and longevity is more important to me.thanks in advance
Hookaroon Recomendation Hookaroon (Pickaroon) suggestions Pick a roon Pickeroon Just a few of the many threads.
The two short handled ones are from Garrett Wade Axes for Sale | Quality Clearing Tools | Garrett Wade (rebranded Husqvarna)/ and the two long handled ones are Ochenkopf. I like them a little better than the Fiskars version because the have some weight to them and stick better. The longer handled versions are used for pulling rounds from the trailer or truck and to roll large rounds. Shorter handled versions are for picking up splits. For me they come in handy as a pocket on a shirt. I wrap the handles in friction tape for a better grip. The axe is my wedge banger, full size head on a boys axe handle
That's cool a lot of you use the term wood yard. I didn't even think I was using the correct terminology because I never heard anyone else use it, but I liked the way it sounds and thought I was the only one who called it that. The word Woodpile doesn't really capture the extent of our wood cutting and storing areas. As for hookaroons, this simple tool was indeed a game changer for me. I tried the peavy (forget which point design I got but they offer several styles) hookaroon. It sticks okay in smaller rounds but I can't trust it to stay stuck, comes loose too easily so I never use it. The Logrites on the other hand often require a good 5 seconds of twisting and rocking to get it unstuck, and that's exactly what I want when I'm dragging 200+lbs of dead weight across the woodyard. Never had one come loose on me unintentionally. Their tip design has a little barb on it that works amazing. Can't speak to any other brands as these are the only ones I've tried.
I have a 36” log rite. It is one of the most useful firewood tools I own. I wish I had gotten one sooner.
I like the wood handles best. I have a long and short version of the ochsenkopf. Both have a lot of miles on them. Also have a long handled garret wade. I don’t like the Garrett wade as well…doesn’t seem to stick and stay stuck as well as the ochsenkopf. I’m going to do some filing on the tip to see if I can improve it. Not a fan of the Fisk ads, bought one, broke the tip off second time I used it, didn’t get it warranties because I didn’t like it compared to the wood handled ones. Same with their axes and mauls for me…prefer the wood handled tools but YMMV. I do, however like their pruning shears, loppers, and hedge trimmers.
Something about a nice wood handled tool. Just feels better to me. Nice collection there. I bought one to help unload my truck. Very convenient to have. One of those tools ya never knew how much ya missed till you have one.
Same, I've gone back and forth if I really need one. I love new toys, but don't want it to sit not being used. I know many folks on here swear by them, I'll have to give it a try, maybe ask Santa for one. I am sure I could always sell it get something back for it.
Have tried a few, still like my Woodchuck. Got great support from owner of company when I had an issue. The little nub on the handle is great as I use this one handed a lot. Can keep your beak well orientated and gives a little place to 'pull'. Hookeroon Firewood gatherer, Made in USA
The fiskars is the go to tool that I use all the time, saves my back and have had it replaced once with the warranty.
buzz-saw gave me this one. Dont know the brand but it works great. Very handy tool. I have a simple home made one from a broken Fiskars handle. This works much much better. Ive seen the Fiskars one and think its to flimsy even though theyll replace it if it breaks. I also have a wood handled one jo191145 gave me. Handle is split and ive debated (procrastinated) about rehandling or glueing and cutting it shorter to use for transporting rounds.
Get one guys. It was a tool i never knew existed and now that i have it it comes in handy. Mostly used to unload rounds from the PU and will on occasion use it to stab and skid smaller logs. Did that over the weekend.