So the house has settled/adjusted over the years. Like any cast pipe system, the pipes stay, the house moves, and the pipes crack. The below is one of two places this happened. I chipped away at the elbow/45 as it was rotted, to clear a blockage upstream. That I did, with a smelly bath. Sink water only though. So there is cast pipe floor up to the 45's. the piping coming out of the floor above I think is 2" galvy. It's gavanized up through the wall to the next floor. I need to take the rotted cast iron 45 (or whatever it is) out. I'm good to take another piece below that if needed to affect a repair. What piece('s) should I be looking for to fit over the cast (or 2" galvy), and which will seat (somehow) in the cast iron female bit below? Will a cut off wheel cut this? Smashing pieces off could lead to things breaking other than the piece I want to remove.... I've taped the hole, water can still pass in the pipe without leaking, but I wanted to keep the sewer gasses out. SCA
I’m not expert but would expect there to be a Fernco couple available for cast to pvc. I think a cut off wheel should work or sawzall for cast. Cut on a flat area use two ferncos’ and pvc.
Sawzall metal cutting blade will take care of that cast iron (cast is actually kinda soft) I'd cut those pipes out (as much as you can) and replace with PVC...couple new PVC to existing cast (or galvanized) with Fernco's as mentioned.
I would replace the upper pipe to PVC. Then use a fernco to connect to the cast iron. Is there enough stub left as it is to connect a fernco to it? or you do need cut it a bit lower?
Cut the bell off of the cast with a stack snapper or cut off wheel. Cut the 2" with a sawzall. use a 2" to 4" fernco mate to the 2 gala. to 4" PVC. Make a 45 degree fitting with 4" PVC pipe/fittings. Use a 4x4 fernco to mate the PVC to cast pipe. Good luck, if the 45 was rotted there is a lot more rotted too.
All the cast is 2", with the exception of the bell part. I THINK everything should be mating 2" to 2". I reckon there is more rot than I see. I have no idea why anyone would run galvanized up through an outside wall for a drain. I'd like to run PVC for the whole schmeer, but that will require significant demo work from basement to 2nd floor. Will do that anyway when I rip up that room eventually. Till then, the galvy stays fro the moment. But I bet it rotted pretty good over the years.
Whenever dealing with almost any type of old metal drain lines, count on things being worse than you thought
cast iron to galvanized is not uncommon at all in older houses. I am not a plumber, just a DYI person and I owned a 1940 house for 36 years so. Most hardware stores and big box home improvement stores will have Franco's in-stock. Good luck with your project.
I had a similar problem , I put a Fern-co as a temporary fix. Well needless to say it is still there. They come in all sizes and shapes. Local plumbing store might be better than big box stores.
Rubber fernco are my friends. My experience in old houses is this Planned on replacing 10-20 feet cast iron sewer line with PVC as we went through each basement in row type housing. after breaking a section out; that weakened next bell housing and on and on.. so 100+ later it’s PVC x2. Not sure why ironpony is saying go to 4” unless he is just finishing the job. putting 2” sink drain into the main drain
Agree on most of the above. Might add to check the paint with a lead test if you are going to use a cutoff wheel. Mask, safety glasses and plenty of ventilation.
when you size the Fernco's make sure you are specific as to what type of material. They come in 4" cast, 4" PVC, 4" clay etc and all are slightly different. Just a guess as it appeared to be the main stack, which it is not.
So I’m not sure where you are at with this, but upon further thought I wouldn’t even bother cutting the cast-iron stack. I would just remove it at the next bell use a chisel to remove the lead seal, lift out the section of cast-iron pipe and get the fern co-that fits the bell to 2 inch PVC and just replace that whole section you won’t have to cut anything and you might be able to wiggle the bell off the galvanized. It might be safer to cut it though if it’s rotted.
Sirchopsalot went through this in my house last winter. 103 yr old house. Cast supply and drains. I took my iron main that ran from basement through roof out by myself. It fell and snapped off inside basement wall. Was able to chisel wall away enough to fernco new PVC stack to iron lateral. 1 year later and no leaks. If you plan to redo it all in pvc at some point tape seems like a good enough fix until then. Good luck