Tater, I mean... Logger Wade. Check out some of his early stuff sometime if you get a chance. I happened upon him because he used to post a bunch of helmet cam felling videos and is absolutely a beast when it comes to dropping stems. It's so nice to be able to see up close what a cutter who knows what they are doing is up to with their saw. His family owns a complete logging enterprise. They buy it, cut it, haul it and mill it themselves. Wade is the lynchpin and Son of the owners. Feller, operator, trucker, mechanic, fabircator. Just an interesting channel all around if you at all are into logging, trucking or machinery (even farming).
Here's that channel. LOL! And the video that made me hit subscribe (give it a chance...there is some 'coarse' language). He started out as a gaming streamer but it got really fun for a while.
I don't care how anyone makes money sponsorship or not my issue with bbr is he was partnered with iron horse A so called "porter" who in many cases didn't return saws to customers or for example charged 600.00 and removed a ported mmws oem cylinder and replaced with a badly ported china cylinder kit. And didn't fix any issues with the guy's saw and wouldn't return the original mmws ported cylinder. A group of guys on ope replaced the saw For the guy Just google it. I'm over it but it doesn't set well with me To send work to someone that. We all have different taste's and there's so many good channels to choose from.
I started this thread to find some good channels people haven't seen Favorite YouTube channel's And might enjoy.
That's awesome. I just finished some of his videos from the Bunyon show. I need to make it to one of those.
I posted them in the correct thread. Can a moderator delete the 5 YouTube links I posted in here please? wildwest
To be honest I don't know how much they cost. This guy makes them and he charges 585.00 I don't know how Much more the bbr version is Wood Bullet — Hoffman Blacksmithing I suspect more expensive But it is hand forged.
I've never paid for an axe Older friend's and relatives worked at Kelly's axe factory/true temper in Charleston wv for decade's and gave me a bunch of perfects and single bits over the year's. And the most I've ever paid for a saw was 375.00 for a new jonsereds 2172