I'd think the early burners are those of us that use wood for 100% heat and don't like to be cold. We haven't started yet but most years we are burning by mid september. All the way through mid June.
I usually start once the weather drops to 40 at night gotta keep the kids warm. My house is insulated well so that helps. For those of you who started a fire already. Enjoy
My early fires (like the one I foresee happening tomorrow night) are more out of novelty than necessity. ... We heat exclusively with wood. Our house is super tight in terms of insulation, I just miss the fire!!
My wife like the fire, no, she loves the fire. She gets irritated if I put up an objections. Lesson, don't p off the wife over a fire. She wants the fire, she can have it. just because the windows are open shouldn't matter!!!
Still haven't had one, the oven doing it's job has been keeping us warm. Supposed to get below freezing tonight though!
According to the news, it was the earliest measurable snowfall on record for them but only beat the record by 3 days.
Stepped outside this morning... 45. Wandered around thinking about my "to do" list and got that familiar feeling that it's gonna snow soon. Not ready... at all. It feels like late fall, not late summer. Hoping we've got another month or two... but this morning sure doesn't feel like it. If the wind stays down, gonna get the firepit ripping again later.
We had an overnight of 48, sweatshirt weather. The ocean water is still warm here, they are still Talking about great white shark sightings
The warm ocean water will help. In MI we have the Great Lakes to mostly keep the really cold air at bay. However, when the lakes freeze over, like last year, it gets cold. The water did not warm up this summer like normal so perhaps they'll freeze up even sooner this year. I get cold just thinking about it.
Still pretty warm here in New England, I usually don't fire up the stove until mid to end of October, and we heat 100% with wood and pellets. Just swept the chimney last weekend so I'm ready if we do need to light a fire. And I agree, I usually light one on that first cool night because I love that first fire! Nothing like sitting next to the wood stove in my recliner eating chili and watching football!!!!! damm I can't wait!
I think normally, I'd just put on a sweatshirt, but I'm getting antsy sitting around, so fire it is. I've been pulling some of the small Maple that I split early this year for some of the first fires. Easy to replace and gives gooder enough heat to warm the house for the day. Keeps the shed inventory from dropping too fast.
My stove is going. It isn't bad out, but it does have that raw feeling. The fire helps me to settle down. Had to go out the afternoon to get supplies so the wife would cook up a few things ahead. I did get pinto beans and some ham. They will go in the crockpot for several hours. She also cooked an apple cake, meatloaf and some meatballs and spaghetti. We will freeze much of it and thaw it out as we need it.
No fire here (no stove either ), just started raining hard about 5 mins ago and the outside temp is 59.
Still way to warm to start burning here in Southern Tennessee. But I keep staring at my progress hybrid and whisper 'your day will come'. Happy burning to all our friends up North. I am jealous.
I pulled the trigger....lit it off for the first time this season! Why not, it's a new record for me!!