I only noticed it was TG up there after watching a Donny Walker video yesterday evening. I guess I have no real idea why ours is on Nov 27th TBH. Where I am, TG is just a reminder that it's time to shoot some deer. lol
I did a Google search and came up with this. The first Canadian Thanksgiving was reportedly hosted in 1578 by the English explorer Martin Frobisher in what is now Newfoundland. At the time, Frobisher and his expedition attempted to travel through the Northwest Passage safely. The celebration marked their safe arrival to the New World. That first celebratory meal consisted of a simple but delicious combination of salted beef and mushy peas. The first few Thanksgiving holidays were intended to thank God for keeping explorers safe as they traveled to the New World. Over time, Canadian Thanksgiving evolved to express gratitude to God for a bountiful Fall harvest. However, the next historic celebration didn’t occur until April 1872, when the holiday was reinstated to celebrate the Prince of Wales’s recovery from a significant illness. For a while, the Thanksgiving holiday did not have a set date. It moved around all over the calendar, from mid-April to November, before the Canadian government finally settled on the second Monday of October. In 1957, the Canadian Parliament made the holiday official with the following proclamation: A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed – to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October. Some things I didn't know about our holiday.
Tee hee, seems Hammerhead20 really likes them and I was surprised to see it today, never heard it til him. Happy Thanksgiving to you Camp PS, there's a Canadian version of Wordle, Canuckle. If you're interested.
I can get really sucked into puzzles like that although Mom feels that crosswords are the way to keep the grey cells working.