Small tree growing where i was working today. I recognized it right away by the dead lower branches, but have never seen one with this shaped leaf by itself...your only clue FHC. And no cheating app users. Ill post bark pic tomorrow night and reveal the answer Sunday night.
I've never seen one like this in the wild, but the way all the leaves radiate outwards from the ends of the twigs in clusters like that sealed the deal for me.
Wow! Changing color already. Cant say ive seen it here other than on some sugar maples which are the first to change.
We had a pretty bad drought going early summer and now it's extremely dry again. I don't know if that's what is making them change color already, soft maples are just starting to turn also.
Have never seen a sass tree with just the one shape leaf but I believe that is what we are looking at
Chinese chestnut. I’ve been harvesting burs all week from mostly American, a few Chinese, and this afternoon a European hybrid tree.
One thing about sassafras is they often look better from a distance. They are really in good color here.
Does look like a paw paw leaf but bark does not. So I'll jump on the bandwagon and say sass. My chicken coop/ garden shed is under a chinese chestnut. The tree has grown nasty. Half of it is over the creek and a limb is over the coop, which I may cut. I hope it lives a long time, because it' gonna be a PITA to cut up.