Same here guys, at my age now I think of the process as great exercise vs. a chore. I have come to the conclusion it isn't a race anymore, I take my time and it gets done when it gets done. I'm well enough ahead now that I just do it when I do it.
I'm reading your post and that is me 'to a T'. I can't believe it. I wondering if this happens often. It's only been the last two-three years that I noticed it isn't a race and I can slow down. I'll git r done, sooner or later. And yes, I too look at it as exercise.
It feels good to be ahead. I have started subscribing to the it gets done when it gets done. I still have that urge to race but I am sort of forcing myself to pace it out. I have found that its nice to have some logs available to cut and split when you feel like it. Some times you just feel like doing it, and when there is nothing to cut and split, it is a little frustrating. Nice load. You cant beat oak. That was a great truck too. I havent seen one set up like that before. Surprised it was a duel axle.
Bet getting to the 3rd year stack of wood goes a long way toward that laid back Steady Eddie way of working up firewood. Sure has made a big difference for me... and this forum too...
I work in the "city" with some city folks. I cant tell you how many times I have seen people wait until september or later to start thinking about procuring their firewood for that year. This year, nobody has any, just like in 08 when oil skyrocketed. I have a friend who just called and is looking at 300/cord if he can get it. He paid $400/cord in 08 for KD. He never learns. They laugh at my chainsaw addiction, but thats fine. I laugh at them paying a fortune for wet wood. I am now ahead, and buy or cut wood when it is available, not when I "need it". Doesnt get any better than that.
True that. Even using the spitter, it's good to leave a bunch of easy rounds not done for those times. No rush - every few days just take the 8-lb. maul to them for 15-30 minutes or so. Good way to blow off some steam.
What's weird for me recently is I have like 1/3 cord of pulp length maple in the driveway, I have been walking by it all summer. The old me would have had that cut and stacked by now, the new me will do it sometime this fall. I'm 3 years ahead, time to relax a bit and enjoy.
Full load of 100% oak......lots of good pics..... I feel like a dog sitting in the window barking at the mailman on the porch!! Lemme attem, LEMME ATTEM!! NICE. And while I still bust my azz with the firewood thing (and I'm now almost 5 years ahead), I foresee a day soon when I'll hang the saws up for a couple months and have a nice rest.........I truly enjoy the full experience of the firewood lifestyle, from stove. It's a great lifestyle and the wood most certainly heats you more than twice by the end..... Hope you eye surgery heals good Rotti.....nice looking load of wood and some great pics too!
Yeah Loon it'll be going up here shortly. The lad who delivered this load says they are selling all kinds of loads over and above last year. Said he had 15 loads to deliver over the weekend. This load came from about 40 miles north of here. He said they are into a BIG area of Oak up there.