Threw in and stacked another min truck's worth of firewood today; about a face cord. Lower back has been spasming in the mornings so I'm not overdoing the firewood loads.
I stacked more firewood for a neighbor outside but under cover, I'm just getting more out of the way before the snow hits, that will give me more room for plowing this winter.
Loaded and stacked another mini truck full of firewood into the basement. Put hammock stand away for winter. Put smoker away for winter (sorry SKEETER McCLUSKEY ) Disconnected and stored garden water pump for winter. I use lake water for watering the garden and washing vehicles as opposed to well water.
Picked some carrots, cukes, tomatoes, and dug some potatoes then brought them over to a neighbor......about 15 minutes away. The garden is about 1/2 way pulled so far. Also, hauled a wooden bench off one of the decks getting it ready for storage. I don't want to do too much winter readiness work as there will be some nice days for sitting and enjoying in the future yet. I hope!
Changed out the kitchen sink faucet with a new delta. Also, after an early morning ride again, bought a new vacuum as the old one's wheels broke! Cleaned a slow draining p trap at the same time as the faucet change. Now, lets see what the rest of the day will bring.
That didn't take long for the day to bring something else. Septic pumper showed up! It is required every so often to comply with state mandates; there were no issues goin on. Didn't have a cake in it at all.
Today was a good day for trail work around the house, I took four loads of branches over to the outdoor fireplace along with some dead pine rounds. I had a nice fire with most everything reduced to ashes. Picture 3997 is what I started with, 4001 is one of the loads, 4002 are some dead pines that I'll remove another day and 4007 is after I finished. We received 0.3543307 of rain overnight or 9mm.
With the help of the 4540 with the pallet forks, I opened up two new trails on the house property, I'll see how open the wood dump is at the town dump and take some of the dead pine branches there. The green leaves you see in the picture are from a small damaged ash, picture 4012, picture 4014 is after I took the weed eater to the trail.