39"x47"x46" = 84,318 cu in. per tote 84,318 cu in/1728 cu in per cu ft = 48.795 cu ft. per tote 128 cu ft per cord/48.795 cu ft tote = 2.62 totes make up one cord.
[QUOTE="jeffthro, I figure 4 per bush cord when I just toss pieces in Super sack as the lady who buys then actually stacked it(2x4 and 1x4 hardwood stuff)
I've been told 1/3 cord stacked and 1/4 thrown in. When stacking, I try to pack em tight so customers get their moneys worth.
I’ve measured and done the math a couple times and figured it to be about 1/3 cord. But I usually just strategically toss chunks nuggets and uglies into them so about a quarter cord
I use totes for all of my mixed hardwood storage. The 275 gallon size stacked 2 rows and a few inches short of the top is 1/4 cord. Cubic inches really won't help much because of the irregular shapes of the splits causing gaps between pieces. The 330 gallon stacked to the top with 2 rows should give you 1/3 cord. That's exactly how I sell it and guarantee accurate quantities of wood.
Looking at your pics, as high as you stack above the top of the tote, you probably get quite a bit more that what I calculated. I tend to stack mine 2 high so heaping them up in the middle doesn't work well for me plus they would weigh quite a bit more. A full 330 gallon tote is about as much as I want to move around!
I came up with close to 2 cords in the four totes. Here is closer to what I try and stack for the totes that will get sold.