With this double wide and us folks, I'm sure there will be some cold nights down here...lol...or I'll open a window...
It's time to get that BL processed so it can start drying. The pile after getting it sorted out from the pecan and cherry... My 1st load headed to the splitter... Hope to start splitting it today, thunderstorms stopped us yesterday.
What are your thoughts on it Jeff? Did you have any with loose bark? Stinks to high Heaven. Selling or keeping for personal use?
Splits good, can't wait for it to dry. Definitely keeping it. Yes, several pieces have loose bark, saw the tiny little worms under the bark. It's not a smell I would want to wear...lol...but I've smelled lots worse.
Yeah those little maggots gross me out. One dilemma i face when i score green BL in the warm weather. SS ASAP to keep the bark tight or let it sit unprotected and peel the bark? I have a round two cords of rounds sitting that were cut green two Winters ago that have yet to be SS. Another mound of bark on splits that never got stacked that is now mostly barkless. If i had an area to stockpile i think i leave them for the bark to loosen then SS. I sell both bark on and barkless.
Worked on the locust pile again today. Cut a box full of rounds and skinnies Split and stacked more in the tote. This was all the tractor could pick up... After moving the tote to the resting place, split more and finished it. A full 1/3 cord so far...
Just got a look at this job. One of the locusts is about 18-20" DBH. I think there are 7 or 8 total, mostly 10" or larger. (bunch more in the area but for now the building site is all that is being wiped off). There are also a bunch of decent size cherry as well. 8-10 Sass. One dead standing red or silver maple. The property surrounding the build site was logged last winter. Without venturing I saw at least 4 White Oak tops laying around. My plan is to make a trade to a buddy of a good portion of the cherry for some building materials he has that I can use. Caveaut is that he has to come help get it either by taking trailer length trees (loaded with SS) or bucking and hauling. About 8 miles one way for him so very reasonable. Yes, I'm hoarding most of the locust for myself. I normally wouldn't, but it's a good specie that I have very few of to draw from on my own property. If allowed, I plan to lay down some trees tomorrow after work.
Monday evening, we got the rest of the BL bucked and moved to the splitter before the evening thunderstorm... Wednesday evening we got it SS, almost another tote full. We will top it off with the small ironwood tree and some persimmon. That makes 2/3 cord of BL Also got about 2/3 drum full of BL chunks/shorts... Miz Carol has a very sensitive nose......I kinda waved a piece of loose bark close to her face......I was then threatened...... with great bodily harm... She said it smelled like horse poo...
Quite a few Goldies there. My eyes kept wandering from the site...there is a LOT of white oak laying on the ground, which will be all Goldies and rounds.
Horse poo is a compliment to loose BL bark. I think it smells like rotting flesh. Either way my least favorite wood smell.