Got a text this afternoon from a guy i got a bunch of wood from April of last year. The neighbor across the street had some trees taken down and was wondering if i was interested in it. Heck yeah! I called and he said better hurry theyre loaded up. I went straight there as it was after work. My heart sunk when i saw the size of this gnarly silver maple. "ill drop it at your place if your close by" Wouldnt take it even if i had a place to drop it. I was going to give them directions to jrider's place but New Jersey was too far for them to deliver. The biggest log was close to 3' diameter. Some other goldilocks trees went through the chipper when i asked about them. I havent been able to find a decent score on FBM or CL in ages. Nothing close by that is
I have a huge one in my backyard. I wouldn’t consider silver to be a premium enough species to jump on it. Being 5-6 years ahead means I can snob wood.
I'd pass on that too, especially this time of year. Too much work for too little BTUs. In years past I might've gone rabid over that, but not today
I like the fast drying aspect. Nice to mix a couple splits in bundle wood. Wish i could get my hands on some decent smaller stuff.
I hear ya Brad. Something to be said for wood that dries in months rather than years. Quick return on investment for you. But those big trunks are a suck fest no matter how you slice it. I'll keep an eye out for you to see if we can end your dry spell.
"........Wouldnt take it even if i had a place to drop it......" buZZsaw BRAD are you turning into a wood snob? All along, I thought you were a manimal!Wouldnt take it even if i had a place to drop it.
Im turning into an old manimal! I hate working big logs regardless of species. Its been hot and humid and/or raining plus im beat after working in this weather to wanna do anything firewood related. Had the wood been left in the yard i may have tried to cut some of the straighter logs. The quality of split is what im going for when i scrounge.
There's been nothing decent close by on FBM/CL. I check almost daily. I PMed someone in Derby yesterday about some fresh cut..get this...oak! Half hour ride one way. For some reason they wouldnt give me the address. WTF dontcha wanna get rid of the wood or what???
For many years, starting as a kid we burned silver maple. It's all over the place here and they are big! It goes from splitting like a dream to some kind of yard art! When dry it's like it's made of packing peanuts.
I’ve only scored silver maple once but really liked the way it processed and dried. Still have most of it. I’ll gladly take more, and in fact, I got one lined up at the stepson’s house. It’s gonna require a long bar and bucket truck
Not often you see big ones that solid. It would be fun to nibble away on it, if you had the room for it.
Nope.big old yard trees split worth a damm. I’ve dragged more into the forest than processed. Looked at a big old red oak the town took down near me yesterday. Folks posted on the town page welcoming people to come get it off their yard. Just a drive by was enough for me too much gnarly crotches not enough decent wood. Forgettaboutit
Silver maple is my absolute favorite wood to sell this time of year (which I'm almost out of). However, I have a stockpile of huge stuff tucked away in the back already so even I would have to pass on that load. And I seldom turn anything away.
Oof, a few crotches there. Nice to test a splitter I suppose. Or make a LOT of noodles. Time consuming and it's saw time. $$$$
I burned lights of Silver Maple last winter, probably at least a cord. Great fires, but it just doesn't last.