Still a yard tree though. It's at a rental house and this is the first year I've seen it loaded with persimmons. I love everything about these trees: the name, the bark, the look of the tree, the heartwood, the firewood, it's one of those trees I'm always happy to see in the woods when I'm hunting.
We got persimmon trees in grade school, still have mine but I really need to move it away from the house! I'm persistent to keep it growing too.
I'm pretty sure someone planted that one. Not sure that it's actually American Persimmon (what you see in the woods) but the wild ones do get fairly tall but thinner and not as spreading as this one, at least not in a forest setting where there is no room. There's a large one in the woods on my farm. It's probably in the neighborhood of a 20" trunk. I am almost positive I took a picture of it one time we were hunting because I remember it still had persimmons on it and it was late fall. Can't find it on my phone.
Heh, We had a lot of persimmon trees in the area I grew up. We had a very large one at the end of the driveway when I was a kid. Probably 2 ft across at the base, with thousands of persimmons on it each year. Late one fall my Dad cut it down and we kids were mad! He just told us that it was too big a mess and it had to go. Years later he told us the real reason he cut it down. One of the town drunks was taking the money people would give him for food and buy booze with it, then he was eating his meals by climbing up the persimmon and eating the fruit. Problem was, a diet of persimmons gave him "the runs"! So there he would be 30 or so feet up the tree, eating persimmons with his pants down crapping in our driveway... Dad didn't want the mess, or the drunk guy falling out of the tree and getting killed with his pants down... Life was so good back then...