Grrr…. You guys… I thought I was cured of the “buy more chainsaws” syndrome after the 461 purchase but someone had to advertise a 6 month old 194T stupid cheap in my home town this morning so off I went. And home it came. Please please please no ads for 500i, 660, or an 880 for the near future! Lenny Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice find. Can never have too many saws Lenny. If its cheap enough ill buy it whether i need it or not. Bought my 194t new and love it. Later bought a 201 top handle practically new for cheap. There was a used Echo 2511 top handle the other day on FBM that i was contemplating.
There is no cure. I sold several. I was on my way to having only 4 pro grade, XS ported saw and a couple of my favorite vintage saw. I made it down to 12...... Now I'm up to 15 or 16 again and probably climbing.